From senior class to coding class 

Senior Dmitry Volf 

is ready to become a Buckeye!

As the curtains close on senior Dmitry Volf’s high school journey, he stands at the threshold of a promising future, driven by a passion for technology and a commitment to community. With graduation around the corner, he is on track to attend college at The Ohio State University. Dmitry plans on majoring in Computer Science and Engineering while going on a pre-law track. After college, he plans on becoming the first foreign-born speaker of the house!

Dmitry comments, “My long-term plans include landing a high-paying job in the computer science/cybersecurity field straight out of college and one day establishing my own data consulting firm. Also, I plan to stay invested in the future of our country by running for Congress, with dreams of becoming the first foreign-born Speaker of the US House of Representatives.” 

In ten years he sees himself owning a company and traveling around the world. “I see myself as a successful owner of a data management company, serving as a US congressman while traveling the world and being surrounded by great people and my loving family.” 

Dmitry says this passion came from his dedication to changing the world. “ I hope to change the world for the better by protecting our country’s cyberspace and contributing to our ever-changing technological landscape.” 

Despite his bright future and big plans, Volf says he still feels a little saddened by leaving our greenhouse. “I feel excited about what the future holds yet kind of sad that I’ll be leaving Aurora.” Who wouldn’t after all the great memories he’s made? Especially when he says his favorite being when the football team won the suburban league championship! 

Within these walls of Aurora, the teachers all strive to make a difference. Volf says the teacher who had the most impact on him was Mr. Rubin. “Mr. Rubin has impacted me the most throughout my high school career. From the time [I] first met him in STARS my sophomore year up to now, he has expanded my worldview greatly in the two classes of his I’ve taken, AP US Government and AP Comparative Government as well as making me a better leader for STARS and my other endeavors.” 

After four years of high school, Volf has plenty of advice for incoming freshmen, “My advice for underclassmen is to keep your head down and put in your best effort every day in everything you do and do the things that you enjoy doing. High school goes by very fast and you want to take in every moment and enjoy the time that you have.” He reminds us to enjoy high school and to take it all in before it's gone. 

His motto reminds us to take it all in and be appreciative of everything we have. “When you wake up in the morning, think of what a privilege it is to be alive -- to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”

Volf’s final message as he leaves aligns with his senior quote. “My final message as I graduate is a thank you to everyone who has been by me in my high school journey, no matter how small. I can’t wait for what the future holds and I really appreciate everything that Aurora has given me.” 

Written by Maddie Lancon