Ben Lukasik: a rising star for the Greenmen

If you know Aurora, you know football.

The 2023 season was quite successful for the Greenmen football team, with a record of 11-2 and a league champion title under their belt. When you break down the makeup of the team, it is very senior-heavy. However, there is a standout player that is not in this graduating class: Ben Lukasik. 

Ben is a junior at Aurora High School and a slotback, safety, kick returner, and punt returner for the Greenmen. He’s lived here in Aurora his entire life with his parents, Michelle and Jason, and sisters, Lyla and Millie. Since he was a kid, he’s been playing football, basketball, and baseball. 

On the topic of having an athletic childhood, the first time Ben played football was when he was 5 years old. His football career flourished from then on. The most moving movement for Ben was when he was a sophomore in high school. The Greenmen were up against Cuyahoga Falls, and Coach decided it was time to see what Ben could do. He recalls, “I knew I had to make the most of the opportunity. It was on a punt. I made one man miss, l saw a gap, and I took it. As I got closer and closer to the end zone the student section got louder and louder. I felt on top of the world.” The following week, Ben earned his first varsity spot as a kick returner - something quite uncommon as a sophomore.

When asked about being a standout player, he chose to talk about others instead of himself. “It is special having such a strong senior class leading the ship,” he notes, “they are great examples of how I want to help lead this team next year as a senior.”

This leadership created an environment where many huge, season-altering plays could be made on the field. Ben contributed to many of them, but one of the most notable was his kick return touchdown in a playoff game against Gilmour. Gilmour was up against the Greenmen. In the huddle, Ben told his teammates to trust him and to block #9. If they stopped him, he was confident that he could make a big play. Gilmour's kicker kicked the ball right to Ben, and that’s when he knew he had his chance. Another two standout juniors, Lucas Manderbach and Cole Walton held great downfield blocks as Ben was making his way to the endzone. Ben smiles, “I got the touchdown. It was a moment I truly will never forget, but I could have not done it without my teammates and coaches.”

Ben again shows his humbleness when he explains to whom he accredits his success: his Dad. His dad is the reason Ben started football. He was the person who showed up for Ben every day, throwing a football around with him after practice. Interestingly enough, Ben’s dad was also a Greenman football player in the 90s. “Seeing old videos of him playing for the Greenmen inspired me tremendously." 

When reflecting on such an amazing season, Ben says his favorite memory was winning against Highland. The Greenmen were down 7-3 after a big run from Highland. Senior quarterback Brandon Liepins was running the ball and broke a big shot, but got hurt in the process. Junior Ryan Dwyer had to go in. “It was [Ryan Dwyer] time, the ball near the 20-yard line. The first play in, he took a hit from a Highland defender and still threw a perfect ball to Dylan Crasi. We scored, giving us the lead. That was the moment I knew we had something special,” Ben describes. 

Despite graduating 16 seniors this coming year, that special bond between the Greenmen won’t go away. The class of ‘25 has many rising stars. Ben Lukaisk is undoubtedly one, with a bright future ahead of him. 

Written by Ava McGovern