Aidan Brown: Future Buckeye

Senior Aidan Brown plans to major in Sports Marketing and minor in accounting at The Ohio State University! 

Aidan explains his passion for sports: “I have always had a passion for sports, and I’ve always wanted to build a career based off of this passion. I also loved accounting when I took it my junior year and figured it would be a good thing to study on the side.”

With graduation quickly approaching, Aidan says, “I am very excited to graduate but also slightly nervous just because I feel like I haven’t had enough time to really process how fast this year has gone by. There are a lot of things I will miss about high school, and it’s almost over, so it is definitely a lot to process in this short amount of time.”

In 2034, Aidan hopes to have his own family: “I hope to have a family of my own that is happy and healthy. I hope to have a job that I love going to every day and remain in touch with my family and closest friends.”

Aidan talks about how Mrs. Antol has impacted him throughout high school: “Mrs. Antol impacted me the most out of any teacher because she connected with me more than anyone has during my academic career. I could tell she truly cared about how I was doing and wanted to make sure everything was okay whenever I walked into her class. She tried to build a connection with every student in her class and you don’t see that very often. Her classes also pushed me to pursue what I’m doing in college and beyond.”

Many seniors would agree that Friday Night Lights was their favorite high school memory. Aidan says, “My favorite memory of high school would definitely be attending the varsity football games. Especially during this year, the football games held a special place in my heart, and it is pretty sad that I won’t be able to experience the same energy of being part of the student section again.”

Aidan advises underclassmen to be themselves: “Don’t let anyone dismiss your ideas if you think they are worthwhile. During high school, it’s very easy to feel judged or made fun of, but I want everyone to know that if you enjoy something don’t let someone put you down for that. If people want to judge, that is okay; just keep doing you.”

His final message before he graduates is, “My final message as graduation comes up is to simply live life to the fullest. Don’t let people's opinions change the way you live your life. I’ve learned over time that life is so much more fun and worth living when you start living for yourself and do what makes YOU happy.”

Finally, Aidan's senior quote comes from Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” 

By: Charlotte Varkala