Sophie Knaack: Ready for the Next Four

Senior, Sophie Knaack, has a lot of exciting options in regards to her future following high school! Knaack’s top choices are Ohio University, the University of Dayton, and Miami University. Over the course of this month, she’s going to be spending her time deciding on where she wants to go. Knaack emphasizes that she wants to live the college experience during her next four years.

Knaack explains that she has a passion for not only animals, but also for helping people as well: “I love animals, especially dogs, but I was never able to own one of my own. I am very passionate about taking care of others around me which is why when I go to college I want to major in social work.”

Knaack states that her favorite memories of high school are related to dressing up: “My favorite memories from high school are anything to do with dressing up, I absolutely love how everyone in Aurora is so spirited at events like football games and during spirit week…” Sophie also says that being a part of the yearbook committee has just made spirit weeks even better. 

Knaack says that although she’s sad that graduation is coming so soon, she’s looking forward to a change in her life: “I am obviously sad about graduation because I love all my friends and I am going to miss home, plus growing up is just scary. I am really excited for a bit more freedom and to be able to meet new people and see new things.” In ten years, Sophie hopes to have a degree and have a stable job. Not only that, but she hopes to be married, have a golden retriever, along with being a mom. To finish it off, she hopes to be traveling the world. 

Sophie explains that the teacher at AHS that has impacted her the most is Mrs. Antol: “...I had her sophomore year for personal finance, junior year for yearbook, and senior year for yearbook and accounting. During every single class I have had with her she never fails to have a smile on her face. Mrs. Antol is the definition of a teacher who wants her students to succeed. She constantly asks for feedback and checks in with students often. I don’t think I would have done as well in school without help from her.” 

Advice that Sophie wants to give underclassmen is, “ as hard as you can even if you’re not the smartest because teachers at Aurora want students to succeed so even if you’re not the best test taker you can do good and it makes you feel so rewarded at the end of high school. And go to school events and dress up!” The best advice that Knaack has ever received is not caring what people think about you: “The best advice I have received is to not care what people think about you because at the end of the day if you don't wanna see anyone from high school ever again you don't have to, just be yourself.”

A final message that Knaack wants to spread is, “...take care of yourself and always put yourself first.”

Sophie’s senior quote is, “Cheers to all my haters! Be patient. So much more is coming.” - Paris Hilton. 

Written by: Maddie Mink