Sam Stask is dribbling her way to Ursuline

By: Willa Sabelko

When Sam Stask took her last shot with the teammates she grew up with by her side, it was not the last time she would step on the basketball court. Sam will lace up her sneakers again, but this time, it will not be for the Lady Greenmen; rather, she will be playing Division II Basketball for the Ursuline College Arrows. 

In the fall, senior Sam Stask will be “advancing her academic and athletic career at Ursuline College” in Pepper Pike. She was offered a scholarship, and shortly after, in the summer of her junior year, she committed to Ursuline. On November 8, 2023, she signed, making it official. 

Though Sam is undecided on her major, she is “excited about being able to take the next steps in pursuing" her passions at Ursuline. Basketball has been a massive part of her life for years, and playing in college is super exciting, but she doesn't want to stop there. By 2034, she sees herself “hopefully becoming a women’s basketball coach either at the college or high school level.” 

As the last year of high school, it’s time to make your mark senior year, and Stask definitely made hers. Her favorite high school memory is when she “scored [her] 1,000th point and became the second all-time leading scorer in the girls’ basketball program history." Also, she "led [her] team to districts for the first time since 2019," which is an incredible accomplishment. AHS is sure to remember her name for years to come. 

As Sam prepares to move on from The Greenhouse, no matter what path she takes, Aurora has set her up for success.

Specifically, Sam mentions that Mrs. Taylor had the most significant impact on her: “She has impacted my senior year for the better. She has pushed me out of my comfort zone in the classroom and shown me what I can achieve. She also helped me finish my personal essay and submit it to my college in less than a week.” 

Sam advises the underclassmen who have time left at AHS to “make sure to live every second to the fullest and not take these high school memories for granted.” She says, “I can’t believe how quickly time passes. Don’t ever take it for granted.”

Stask leaves with this: “You will face many defeats in your life, but never let yourself be defeated” -Maya Angelou.