Aniket Sen: 

A-Town to C-Bus

Aniket Sen, a senior at AHS, will be attending the Ohio State University during the fall. While attending, he plans on majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. As Aniket says, OSU has a good program: “...OSU has a good program for that in Ohio and it is not that far away from home.” 

Aniket looks forward to going to OSU as he was born in Columbus: “I was born in Columbus, where the Ohio State University is, so I look forward to going there.” 

Regarding graduation, Aniket explains how, like many students, he’s excited but sad to leave: “I am excited to graduate but sad to leave all my friends that I have made here and scared to leave home. But I know it will be a new beginning starting a new life which will be exciting and interesting.”

Looking back on his time at AHS, Aniket says that his favorite memory is the 2023 Disney Trip: “My favorite high school memory has to be Disney Trip during spring break 2023 where I went to the Band, Orchestra, and Choir. It was fun going to all the parks and hanging out with my friends.” 

When it comes to a teacher, Mr. Rakow has impacted Aniket the most: “I had him for AP Computer Science junior year and AP Calculus senior year. I am going into computer science and taking these two classes has helped me. He also taught me not to give up and [to] persevere. Whenever I had a problem, he would help me and give me a push in the right direction without telling me the answer. That way, I would not give up easily and learn from my mistakes.” 

In ten years, Aniket hopes to see himself working in an office: “...I see myself working in an office in either Columbus or Cleveland.”

Aniket wants underclassmen this advice: “My advice is to not procrastinate in high school especially as you get older. You will start to get more coursework and tests and it will be very important that you succeed.” 

Aniket’s senior quote is from Benjamin Franklin: “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”

 Along with that, he wants to share this final message: “Thank you for everything these past four years!”

Written by: Maddie Mink