Warhammer 40,000

By: Shane Siddall

“So let it be war, from the skies of Terra, to the galactic rim. Let the seas boil, let the stars fall. Though it takes the last drop of my blood, I will see the galaxy freed once more. And if I cannot save them from your failure, Father, then let the galaxy burn.”- Horus Lupercal (The Horus Heresy). 

Horus Lupercal pictured above

It is the grim-darkness of the 41st millennium, you are part of the bloated carcass of the Imperium of Man, with the rotting corpse of the God-Emperor of Mankind sitting on the golden throne of Terra (Earth),with his Imperium stretching across a million worlds, ruling over untold trillions, who all worship as a god. It is to be part of the most bloody, barbaric, dogmatic, and zealot-filled regime imaginable, where human life is the most expendable resource. There is no peace among the stars, with the ever-raging wars against the alien, the mutant, the heretic, and demons of the chaos gods ripping through the fabric of reality to inflict untold carnage upon the worlds of humanity, with their gods ever laughing. Forget the power of technology, and understanding, for so much has been forgotten. Forget the promise of peace and prosperity for all that remains is an eternity of blood shed, as humanity rages against the dying of the light, with millions dying across already lost worlds, while the Imperium rots and decays around them. For in this new dark age, there is only war. 

Warhammer 40,000 is one of, if not the most, expansive fictional universes ever created with every possible route of entertainment through it from tabletop games and miniature painting, to series that run over 50 books that give you insight into some of the most beloved and hated characters, to video games that let play as battlefleet commanders, wealthy rogue traders, to the hulking gods of war of the Adeptus astartes. No matter what form of media you prefer the most, there is something for everyone in Warhammer. 

When first getting into such a large and expansive universe can seem daunting, with there being over 400+ books, over 12 video games, and then the classic table top with there being 11 factions and over 33 playable armies with hundreds of miniatures that can take dozens of hours to construct and paint. But in the same vein, it is one of the most addictive franchises with the books and series keeping one on the edge of their seat waiting to see the fate of the universe. While in the games you are a desperate holdout of astartes doing everything in their power to save the world from falling to the arch-enemy of chaos, or are a rogue trader on your way to discover the truth of your family and of the Imperium, while in another you are commanding ships and fleets to wage war against the enemies of humanity. Meanwhile on the tabletop you command your hand crafted armies across countless worlds, with untold millions under your command, as you are the bulwark against the terror. 

Imperial navy warships shown above

Despite the seemingly hopelessness of this universe, there is always that glimmer of hope in all of the stories, the novels themselves are mastercrafts of writing with you feeling the weight of each decision being made. The characters are some of the most well written characters in any fictional universe, with even the most despicable and evil of them being three-dimensional. This being the case, readers understand what motivates each character, and see their actions as justifiable. This leads to a gray area in stories where neither side seems to be the “good guys” or the “bad guys” with the reader becoming conflicted on who they should root for. This style of writing adds to the charm of the universe where there is no good or bad guy, just varying levels of   justifiability of every action taken. Again this leads to characters that might be in the moral right but are still the antagonist while the protagonist might be doing something despicable but in their mind makes sense. 

Chaos champion pictured above

Adeptus astartes pictured above 

 Overall Warhammer is one of the most well written, expansive, and depressing yet hopeful universes ever created, where the reader might want to cheer on humanity, yet feels conflicted as they genocide an entire world of an alien species. With the characters feeling real and sympathetic while others might be despicable in their actions but there is a twisted logic behind what they are doing. Because many readers may find characters that they love while those same characters are despised by others, leading to this interesting dynamic with readers where each story may mean something different to each person, meaning that there are many different interpretations of the stories in this universe. 

For in this eternity of carnage and war, there is no mercy, there is no respite for the enemies of humanity. Join the Adeptus astartes and crush the skulls of the enemy under your boot, command unfathomably grand armies and march on the worlds of the enemy, while internally shouting “For the Emperor”. Command battle fleets in the Emperor’s name, and wage war against unimaginable horrors, become the shield that defends humanity. Become the bulwark against the terror, become the mail about his fist and the spear in his hand. “For only in death does duty end.”- Adeptus astartes motto