Frankie Wiencak reflects on AHS and looks forward to a future in Florida 

Senior Frank Wiencek is gearing up for graduation and getting ready to head down to Florida State University in the fall. Frankie is majoring in mechanical engineering as this has always been a goal of his. Frankie states that “Engineering has interested me my whole life which stemmed from building Legos and model cars.” Frankie also says that he is “always thinking of new ways to make something more efficient/innovative.” Thus, his yearn for engineering.

Reflecting on past high school experiences and preparing for graduation, Frankie reflects on his favorite high school memories by revealing his favorite was, “taking a walk or some sort of break in between each block class during covid.” In addition to reflecting on favorite memories, Frankie reveals the teacher that made the biggest impact on him at AHS, Mr Rakow. Frankie had Mr. Rakow for both Computer Science and calculus. Frankie says that Mr. Rakow, “helped me learn work ethic skills and how to not get distracted in class.”

After spring break, the rest of the school year will fly by and graduation on May 23rd will arrive. Frankie reveals his feelings on graduating high school by saying, “I’m very excited to start a new chapter in life and move forward with my future goals of running my own business.” 

Frankie has received a lot of good advice in is lifetime, however, one sticks out. Frankie says the best piece of advice he has received, “was to not care too much about test scores and that there will always be chances to improve my grade which helped my mental health out so much during high school.” Frankie hopes to keep this mindset as he makes the transition from high school to college. Subsequently, looking down the road, ten years from now Frankie says he hopes to be “either very high up in a company or owning [his]own company.”

Frankie’s final message for Aurora High School is “don’t stress over something that won't matter in a month.” As for his senior quote, “An ending is always the start of a beginning”

By: Harrison Mullin