Emma Exline

2024 graduate, Emma Exline plans on going from AHS down to the University of Kentucky. While attending U.K., she plans on majoring in Integrated Strategic Communications. When it comes to a goal, Emma plans on working hard: “A goal of mine is to continue to work hard in college and get the best out of the amazing opportunity I was given.” 

When it comes to how she feels about graduating, Emma is excited yet nervous: “I am excited to start a new chapter of my life but I am sad at the same time. It’s sad leaving all my friends and the people I have gone to school with my entire life behind.” 

When looking back on her high school years, Emma says that her favorite memory involves powder puff: “[My favorite memory is] winning powder puff junior year.” This is definitely a memorable experience, especially since this was the first time in school history that the juniors beat the seniors.

She also explains that Mrs. Taylor has impacted her the most throughout her time at AHS: “Definitely Mrs. Taylor, I feel like I could go to her with anything and she would help me out. She truly cares for every single one of her students and I think that is what makes her so special.” 

When it comes to underclassmen, Emma wants to share this piece of advice: “My advice for underclassmen is not to procrastinate everything!!” 

She also wants to share the best advice that she’s been given, “The best advice I’ve ever received was to participate in clubs and extracurriculars; participating in lots of activities paid off when it was time to apply for college.” 

She also wants to share how grateful she is for everyone who has helped her along the way: “I am so grateful for everyone who helped me get to where I am today.” 

In 2034, Emma plans on being employed with a family: “I see myself being employed and hopefully having a job that I enjoy doing. Also getting ready to start a family.” 

Emma’s senior quote is, “Have no regrets, twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

Written by: Maddie Mink