Sofia Gallmann is "swimming" her way to Charleston 

Senior Sofia Gallmann will be attending the College of Charleston this coming fall, majoring in marine biology.

“I’ve always loved being by the ocean and snorkeling, so I knew I wanted to do something of that realm. Obviously, it’s more science-based, but I am excited to learn more about our ocean and ways we can keep it healthy!” Sofia exclaims. Her passion for positivity and change clearly shows through her ambitions for the future. 

Speaking of her future, Sofia notes, “I hope to be out of college, having my master’s, and being a marine biologist in Hawaii. Hopefully, I’ll also be starting a family and having a bulldog as well.”

Before Sofia dives into college, she reflects on her time here at Aurora with all the different memories and connections she made. 

She says that May of her junior year would have to take 1st place for her favorite memories. 

“We won Powder Puff, which was so fun. Hopefully, we will beat the juniors this year! Being camp counselors with Kailey was so funny. We made such good memories there and with the girls in our camp group.”

Among all the memories, many connections were also formed. One influential person in Sofia’s life is Mrs. Taylor.

“Although I only had her for a semester of Pop Lit (take that class by the way), her impact on me was significant. Her kindness, enthusiasm about books, and her overall energy in general made me feel so comfortable in her presence and I looked forward to coming to that class every day!”

As she leaves Ohio for nice warm weather, she would like to give some advice to the people staying in the cold. 

“Just be yourself. That sounds so cliche but it’s true. Being who you are will attract the right people in your life and get rid of the ones who aren’t meant to be there. Have fun with life and remember that most things aren’t that serious!”

Sofia is truly one of the most humble, kind people you get to meet. When all the problems of the ocean are solved, you now know who was responsible. Good luck to you, Sofia! Bring that warm weather back home to Aurora :)

Written by Ava McGovern