Jade Famageltto

Jade Famogeltto is not only a 2024 senior, but she’s also becoming a cosmetologist! After stating that she’ll be getting her license in late April or early May, she explains her future goal: “My goal is to grow my salon and be successful doing hair and lashes.” If wondering, Jade’s salon is located right around the corner in Streetsboro, so feel free to stop by and get a cute new look! 

While reflecting on her high school years, Jade looks back on her favorite high school memory: “My favorite memory of high school was when I did an interview to get into the Excell Tecc Program, [and] then got my acceptance letter.” Jade explains that she’s excited but has some nervousness when it comes to graduation: “I am very excited to graduate, but a little bit nervous as it is a whole new life after graduation.” 

When asked what teacher has impacted her the most, one specific teacher comes to mind: “I would say Mr. Snider impacted me the most. He was not only a great teacher but such a great person. He was always there to listen and was a great help throughout my high school journey.” Although Mr. Snider retired after the 2022-2023 school year, it’s safe to say that he’s made an impact on quite a few people. 

In 2034, Jade hopes to see herself married while being a successful cosmetologist, along with possibly having kids. Jade wants underclassmen to know that it’s okay to do what you want: “...if something [piques] your interest, for example, a class or a school club, just join it. Don’t be afraid of what people think of you if you’re doing something you love.” Regarding the best advice that Jade has received, she says it’s to never expect to be given back what you gave: “...never expect to get what you give. No matter how little or big something may seem, always do it with the intention of not receiving something in return.” 

Jade’s senior quote is from Khloe Kardashian: “I just want to get out of here and go to my bed.”  To finish this chapter of her life, Jade’s final message as she graduates is: “...do what you love but love what you do.”

Written by: Maddie Mink