Give Hemlocke Springs all ur luv  

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Interview with Hemlocke Springs

Recently, I was lucky enough to have a conversation with the incredibly creative, kind, generous, and (in my opinion) one of the most talented pop acts in music right now: Hemlocke Springs. A shot in the dark which quickly turned into reality, was when Hemlocke Springs replied to my TikTok message. I had asked her about doing an interview for The Gambit; talking about her songwriting process, performing at festivals, and new music. In her response, she couldn’t have been more genuine. Hemlocke was more than willing to talk and help me write this article. 

Me and Hemlocke Springs!


Opening up the interview, I was very curious to know where Hemlocke Springs got her unique name. To my surprise, Hemlocke jokingly replied, “It was a random name generator which I just kept pressing and pressing until I found something that stuck with me.” She also revealed that the ‘e’ at the end of her first name was added by her personally, due to pop superstar Lorde adding an ‘e’ to the end of her name. Her real name is Isimeme Naomi Udu; however, Hemlocke isn’t the only artist to use a name generator to come up with their name. Post Malone and Childish Gambino join her in that category. Hemlocke also explained how she will sometimes change the spellings of her song titles just for fun. Like in her 2023 hit, “enknee1” which is just simply pronounced like “anyone.”

I knew about her upbringing in North Carolina, but was wondering more about Hemlocke’s roots. To which she lightly stated, “Yeah, it was the South.” Hemlocke grew up surrounded by good people, some of which she is still friends with today. However, she stated at times the South could be brutal. Hemlocke grew up in a suburban area which was quieter. Although, she believed it was beneficial to her to grow up somewhat isolated. 

Hemlocke told me her musical journey began in high school through messing around with the Garage Band app on her computer. From there, she has continued to release quality track after quality track throughout the past year. Hemlocke even disclosed that she didn’t think she would make a career out of music. At the time she was interested in other career options like “in a lab somewhere doing something genetic wise” as she amusingly puts it.


Hemlocke made her first song titled “gimme all ur luv” on her computer as a “stress reliever.” Prior to “gimme all ur luv,” she had released demos on Soundcloud which she took down quickly after due to uncertainty that they would ever become anything. During quarantine, Hemlocke downloaded TikTok as a platform to share snippets of her demos. During the release of the demos, people had begged her to release the track on streaming platforms to which she caved and dropped her first single, “gimme all ur luv.” A spectacular track to begin a new chapter in Hemlocke's life. 

The mention of TikTok led flawlessly into my next question which related to Hemlocke’s biggest song of her career so far: “girlfriend.” The track serves as a quirky, upbeat, and simple 80’s synth cut that showcases Hemlocke’s creative songwriting and unique vocal passages. “girlfriend” instantly got many pop listeners’ attention, including mine. Released in November of 2022, “girlfriend” has now surpassed 31 million streams on Spotify. Hemlocke voiced her thoughts and feelings on “girlfriend” by saying, “It was really hectic. I remember it being my finals week and I was ending everything school-wise and then I started getting messages and people who I looked up to were noticing it like Khalid. Even some of my friends were confused.” Hemlocke joked about getting industry plant comments and worrying about people believing it. 

As I mentioned before, “girlfriend” was the track that introduced me to Hemlocke Springs. Listening to it for the first time was through the comedic music video. The video oozes personality and makes the viewer laugh as they follow the love story between Hemlocke and seemingly a stuffed dinosaur. I wondered how important visuals were to Hemlocke. She told me, “In the beginning, they were not important to me, however I give full credit to my director Ana Perlta Chong who is behind all my videos and as time went on I really wanted everything to connect and build my own world.” Even though she is new to the industry, Hemlocke is already showing off her bold creativity through her music videos.

"girlfriend" by Hemlocke Springs (Official Music Video) 

As Hemlocke Springs continues to release golden singles, her sound continues to improve. She floats effortlessly into the 80’s synth-pop genre. When touching upon her sound and her influences, Hemlocke revealed that she loves the synth-pop genre and the nostalgia it exudes. She describes her sound by saying, “I rely on nostalgia a lot; however, I want to hopefully bring people to a new space by having nostalgic undertones but presenting it newly.”  She disclosed some of her biggest influences being: Kate Bush, Prince, Tears for Fears, and Lana Del Rey. She believes Lana Del Rey has created one of the strongest aesthetics and sounds ever and she is honored to play at the same festival as her at "All Things Go” held in Maryland later in September. 

Hemlocke Springs at Lollapalooza 2023 (BMI)

With the mention of live shows, I acknowledged how Hemlocke will headline her own mini tour coming this fall. Playing shows in big cities across the country such as Chicago, New Jersey, Los Angeles, and more. However, next month she is opening for indie girl band MUNA at her biggest venue yet: The Greek Theatre in California. Hemlocke expresses her gratitude by saying, “It was surreal when they asked me because I was listening to them before I was even into making music.” As Hemlocke continues to play more and more shows, she strives to improve her stage skills every time. Hemlocke revealed that when she played at Lollapalooza this past summer she caught a glimpse of a fan singing back the entire song word for word. Hemlocke said, “It nearly knocked me off my feet and I almost forgot the whole song. It was crazy.” Hopefully, one day in the future, Hemlocke decides to stop somewhere in Ohio on her next tour.

I told Hemlocke how much of an appreciation I have not just for pop music, but well-written pop music. Her latest single, “enknee1” is quickly becoming one of my favorite tracks of the year because of its enchanting, yet heartbreaking bridge. It is not as hard for an artist to make something that has a catchy chorus and a sloppy beat. Hemlocke Springs is not one of those artists. She puts time and effort into her production and songwriting and you can hear it through every song. Hemlocke reveals that she writes quite often, but it takes time to find the right words. She said, “I have the ability to write a song, but it takes time to find something good. It can take a month or even just a walk outside, and if I can’t think of any word I take myself to rhymezone.” You heard it here folks, rhymezone is all you need to make a good Hemlocke Springs song. 

Gearing up to the release of her EP, “going, going…GONE!” Hemlocke shared the cover on her Instagram. We both agreed how pivotal cover art is to music in general and how it serves as the primary visual for the music the artist has created. I fell in love with the cover art for her EP instantly and wanted to hear how Hemlocke created it. She told me, “How I feel right now feels like I am in this dreamland and I am going towards somewhere I am not really familiar with. I am a girl in my bedroom right now, but I am also working towards bigger sounds and ideas.” We all enter Hemlocke’s dreamland on September 29th, when she shares her first project with the world. Consequently, I had to ask Hemlocke if the debut album was in the works. To which she replied enthusiastically saying, “Yes! Hopefully sometime next year.” That's all I needed to hear. New Hemlocke Springs music is always on the horizon.

"going...going...GONE!" official cover art (Genius)

To close, I think it is safe to say that Hemlocke Springs has big plans for this coming year. As she embarks on her tour and releases her first EP, she has shown to be the most talented and humble new artists. Maybe one day in the future Hemlocke and I will have a chance to catch up  and talk about an album. Her EP, “going…going…GONE!” is out now along with a new music video. I truly believe everyone will develop a newfound "luv" for Hemlocke Springs.

By: Harrison Mullin