Will Pfiffner

Will Pfiffner is going from Aurora down to Athens this upcoming 2024-2025 school year. Will is going to be attending Ohio University, and he’ll be studying business analytics. However, it doesn’t end there. Will is also taking on playing hockey for OU’s hockey team. 

Will says that someone he looks up to is his brother, Jack: “I look up to my older brother, Jack, who went to Ohio University and studied business analytics. Throughout my life, I have always done things my brother has done because we have been best friends.” Will explains that he’s visited OU’s campus a handful of times, and he feels as though it’s the right fit: “...I love the campus and college life and it’s a great fit for me.” 

In regards to graduation, Will claims that although it’s a nerve-wracking experience, he’s excited: “I’m excited to graduate and start a new chapter in my life. It’s nerve-wracking but I know I’m ready for the next step in my life and can’t wait to see what’s in store for me.” 

When looking over his time at AHS, Will exclaims that his favorite high school memory would be meeting his girlfriend: “My favorite high school girlfriend, Cali, and senior year homecoming with her.” Will also says that Mrs. Taylor has been one of the most impactful teachers that he’s had: “Mrs. Taylor has impacted me the most because of the personal writing we have done. This allowed me to write about a personal story of mine in a way I have never thought about which helped me get past this experience.” 

High school can be a rough time for many kids, especially the underclassmen who are new to AHS. Will wants underclassmen to have this advice, as he wishes that he used it: “...never take any time or experience in senior year for granted because it all goes by so fast. This was the best advice I have heard but I never took it into account until it was too late.” 

In ten years, Will hopes to see himself “...working at a job that I love and making good money. I see myself still being very close with my family and friends while living in a warmer place than Ohio.” 

Will’s final message to Aurora is: “Thank you to all the teachers I had over these years for being helpful and passionate. The teachers here make it easy to learn and make school fun.” 

Will’s senior quote is, “Everything works itself out.” 

Written by: Maddie Mink