Justin Burick: Aurora to Athens

2024 graduate, Justin Burick, will be attending Ohio University come this fall. While there, he’ll be majoring in business, specifically accounting and finance. Justin says that this has been an interest to him since he was a little kid: “I have always been interested in the business work field since I have been a young kid, so it is now time to go after my dreams and make them a reality.” 

Justin’s looking forward to what this major has in store: “I look forward to seeing what this major is like, and what opportunities come my way down the road. I am excited for a new challenge.” 

When it comes to graduation, Justin explains all the emotions he’s feeling: “Now that it is almost graduation time I am feeling a mix of emotions. I feel happy, sad, anxious, and thankful all at the same time. The best way to look at it in my opinion is that it is sad when you look back on it all, but when I look into the present I think it is now a good time for change and to move on to the next chapter. It is crazy to think about, but it is something to look forward to.” 

When it comes to looking back on his time at AHS, Justin says that it’s hard to choose one teacher who has impacted his life during high school. Therefore, he chose three: “...from my experience, I have three educators who impacted me greatly and that is Mr. Price, Mrs. Taylor, and Mr. Kukarola. They taught me how to work very hard, how to trust myself, and also when to mix in some fun. I have learned so much from them, and they have helped shape me into who I am today.” 

Justin’s favorite high school memory comes from his sophomore year football season: “My favorite memory from high school is definitely when I scored my first varsity touchdown my sophomore year and the student section was chanting, ‘Justin Burick’. It was cool to feel that emotion of excitement and raw happiness. I will most definitely always remember this and it is my favorite high school memory.” 

In 2034, ten years from now, Justin holds high expectations for himself: “...I see myself either being an accountant or financial planner to some extent. Along with that I see myself having a good portfolio of real estate and to create my own business from doing so. I have very high expectations of myself in ten years, but the most important thing of all is that I see myself being happy and enjoying life!” 

Justin’s advice to underclassmen is to never take school as a joke: “...never take school as a ‘joke’ and it will always be cool to try. Never follow what others do, always pave your own path and trust yourself. Working hard is an essential lesson for life in general.” The best advice Justin has received is very similar: “...try as hard as you can all four years and give it your all. You will not regret putting in the extra effort, it always goes a long way.” 

Justin wants to share this final message: “...as one door closes, another door opens. I will smile looking back on all the memories that I made with the people around me, but I am also going to attack the new chapter I am going into and going to make the best of everything. I am very grateful for what I have experienced during my time at Aurora, and I am eager to see what is in store for my future.”

Signing off, here is Justin’s senior quote: “Cherish your moment in the present, because most people don’t cherish their moment ‘til it’s passed.”

Written by: Maddie Mink