Caleb Garetson on his future after AHS

Caleb Garetson, a current senior at Aurora High School, does not have a cemented plan after high school; however, remains optimistic. Caleb has "been learning that you can't plan, organize or even remotely understand the direction your life takes." However, if Caleb had to guess his future, it would probably be at Kent State University studying literature and writing and pursuing a teaching job. Caleb says, "Reading got me through the difficult task of figuring out my future while confronting the past, which is all high school is, and giving kids that would be fulfilling." 

Reading gives Caleb a sense of tranquility that makes his mind feel at peace. Caleb describes his desire to read and write for a living as having a sense of peace and freedom. Regarding graduation, Caleb exclaims, "It can't come soon enough!"

Of the many great teachers at AHS, one stood out to Caleb. In his Junior year, Caleb had Mr. Rubin for AP Government. It was the first class where Caleb discovered what "real education" looks like.  Caleb says that Mr. Rubin was "the first teacher that respected me as a person, with intelligence and ideas. He didn't have to agree with them, but he gave me a platform to share my voice. That was such a liberating experience!" 

For advice for the younger classman, Caleb hopes that people don't stress too much about the future. Caleb says insightfully, "Don't let the weight of expectation drag you down and keep you from enjoying life." Living in the moment and trying not to stress about the future is how Caleb will live life after high school. Consequently, life after high school for Caleb also involves living in a small town on the shoreline, teaching an English class, and living with his dog. 

Caleb's final message for AHS is, "If you have to try to be happy, successful, cool, then perhaps you aren't any of those things and it's foolish to lie about who you are." 

For Caleb's senior quote: "Don't talk unless you can improve the silence"- Jorges Luis Borges 

By: Harrison Mullin