Max Nabring, an AHS star and future Buckeye

Senior Max Nabring will be attending The Ohio State University this coming fall, majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. Before heading down to Columbus, Max reflects on his time at AHS.

Max was an incredibly involved student, elevating our fine arts programs. He has been a star in our many musicals, as well as a big part of our marching band. In fact, his favorite memories are from that.

“Every memory of playing in the marching band, whether it’s during halftime or in front of the student section, will always live in my head,” Max notes. He is hoping to try out for the OSU Marching Band in the future, where all those amazing memories will live on. 

It wasn’t only memories that made their mark on Max. Many staff members have impacted him, most notably Mr. Rakow.

Max says, “[He] has always challenged me, shared interests with me, and makes me feel like I belong. I always feel like I can talk to him when I need someone.”

Looking more into his future in Columbus, Max touches on his major, something he has always “been fascinated with.”

“[Technology] is going to define the future. I would love to make an impact on that.”

In regards to his ensuing years beyond post-secondary education, Max is hoping to combine his scholars and his extracurriculars.

“I see myself working at a job in the computer science field and making a difference. I also never plan on letting go of the trumpet and would love to get some gigs in a jazz band,” he elaborates.

Finally, he would like to leave the underclassmen with a valuable piece of advice: “Always be yourself. Don’t let other people define what the best version of you is. Embrace the things that make you unique.”

Max tunes into his show-star vibe to end off his time here at Aurora.

He says, “To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.”

Max’s future is very bright, just like himself! Good luck to you, Max!

Written by Ava McGovern