Eva Logan:

Running to the University of Kentucky

Senior Eva Logan is running her way down to Kentucky! Logan will be studying Public Relations while minoring in Sports Journalism. She also wants to try out for U.K.’s track team in order to continue her love and passion for running. Logan explained that the University of Kentucky was actually the first college she’d visited: “Kentucky was the first college I ever visited. I was drawn to the school spirit, academics, and sense of community on such a big campus.” 

Eva claims that she’s always had a love for talking, writing, and helping others, so she knew that majoring in public relations was what would be right for her. Along with that, Eva shares that she has always enjoyed watching collegiate and professional sports, which sparked an interest for her in the sports industry: “...I have always enjoyed watching collegiate and professional sports as well as running competitively on Aurora’s cross-country team and track team, which piqued my interest in the sports industry.”

To go on with sports, Eva says that her favorite high school memory was breaking the 4x400-meter record at the Suburban League Championship during her junior year: “It was so thrilling to win and when we found out we got the League record, I was even more excited.” She also shares that a lot of her favorite high school memories have to do with being through sports: “Most of my favorite memories of high school were through sports, as I loved to run and be with teammates.” 

Regarding graduation, Eva explains that she’s sad but ready to move on with her life: “Although I am sad to leave behind a great school with helpful teachers, I am ready to move on to the next chapter in my life.” To go along with that, she goes on to say that it’ll be bittersweet to leave Aurora: “I have lived in Aurora my entire life, and I have made so many great relationships with teachers, friends, and classmates, so it will be bittersweet to leave.” 

When it comes to teachers at AHS, Eva says that two in particular have made an impact on her: “The two AHS staff members that have impacted me the most would be Ms. Hilston and Mrs. Antol. Ms. Hilston was my 11th grade AP Lang teacher and she helped me in a variety of ways. Her class atmosphere was fun and engaging, and the assignments we did in that class supported my decision to pursue a major/minor that focused on writing. We also did a class project that delved deeper into researching colleges, and this assignment helped me when applying to colleges. Mrs. Antol was my Yearbook teacher last year, my Yearbook teacher for this school year, and my Sports Marketing teacher this semester. Mrs. Antol made a huge impact on me, taking Yearbook strengthened my skills in regards to writing, technology, and communication skills. In such a short amount of time in my Sports Marketing class, I decided that I definitely want to do PR in the sports industry specifically. Both Ms. Hilston and Mrs. Antol supported me and helped me choose what I wanted to study in college.”

When it comes to her future, Eva has a vision: “In 2034, I see myself living in a suburb outside of a city (hopefully Charlotte, North Carolina) with my husband. I will be working as a Public Relations/Marketing Manager for a collegiate or professional sports team, while also training for a marathon or coaching a middle school cross-country team! Although I want to move to a warmer climate, a dream job would definitely be working for the Cleveland Browns!”

Eva wants underclassmen to know that it’s okay to ask for help: “...don’t be afraid to ask for help, AHS teachers are willing to support you and help you reach your goals.” Logan also wants to share that “One bad grade doesn’t mean a bad future, enjoy high school while you can instead of stressing too much about grades.”

Eva’s senior quote comes from SZA: “Failure is a concept. How you recover is the truth.”

Written by: Maddie Mink