Emma Robb: 

Future Actor!

Senior, Emma Robb, is going to college for Musical Theatre. While she has yet to determine exactly what college she is going to, she has applied to 27 different schools! 

When discussing why she is passionate about theatre Emma says, “I've been in theater my whole life and really can't imagine doing anything else! I’ve been in shows since first grade and was dancing before. I think theater is a really unique medium of expression and entertainment. I feel that it welcomes an audience to sit for a few hours and be immersed in a story. It’s an opportunity for them to be exposed to something new, encouraging them to reflect on what they’re watching. It's exciting to think that through a story the audience can take that with them and think about the world, themselves, and other people in a new way!"

Emma's favorite high school memory is Honors Chemistry with Doc Munson her sophomore year. “That class really challenged me but I also had so much fun. Especially doing Chem is Life!!”

The staff members who have impacted her the most are Mrs. Lindley and Mr. Rubin. She shares, “In AP lit with Ms LindIey I’m excited to go to that class every day- the environment is so positive. This year we’ve read a lot of amazing books but I’m not sure I would’ve picked them up on my own. I’m grateful for the opportunity to try something new! In AP Gov and AP Comparative Gov, I’ve had a lot of fun learning. I feel like my outlook on the world is more nuanced and I’m able to understand different people in a new way.”

Regarding graduation, Emma says, “I'll miss high school. I’ve gone to Aurora since kindergarten; it's going to be hard to be apart from family and friends! I feel very lucky to have gone to a school with such supportive and passionate teachers who have prepared me for college and I am also excited to see what new things I'll get to try there!”

In 2034, she sees herself living in New York City or another big city, so be on the lookout for Emma Robb!

Her advice for underclassmen is to prioritize school and stay on top of your work. Also, “take opportunities and don't be afraid to try something new!”

This makes sense, given her senior quote from “Zootopia”: “Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Try Everything!"

Written by: Charlotte Varkala