Dean Larrance, future JCU Blue Streak, swinging his way to an amazing future

Senior Dean Larrance will be attending John Carroll University as a baseball commit this coming fall. 

When asked about baseball, he notes, “I have played baseball my entire life and love it.” The baseball team hasn’t had the opportunity to play many games due to the typical Ohio weather, but in the games they have, they are undefeated, with Dean being a key player. 

Beyond the diamond, Dean reflects on his time here at AHS. With the many memories made, it was hard for him to pick one specific thing.

“My favorite memory of high school is probably just messing around in school, making the best of it.”

In his four years here, he created some special connections with friends, teachers, and coaches. Someone he acknowledges has impacted him is math teacher, Mrs. Duncan, a woman who “taught [him] Calculus and put up with [him].” 

Dean remarks on some valuable pieces of advice, all things he has learned and implemented in his time here.

“High school flies by before you can even blink…have fun, because it’s good.”

In 10 years, Dean is not sure where he sees himself. However, there is one aspiration set in stone for him. He says, “Hopefully, I’m rich.”

Maybe with the help of his Calculus skills and using his own advice, Dean can make that dream come true. Good luck to you, Dean!

Written by Ava McGovern