Jayce Unverferth: future physical therapist

 Jayce Unverferth is currently a senior here at AHS who will be attending Ohio University later this fall while majoring in physical therapy.

 When Jayce was asked why this major interested him, he responded with, “I have always been in sports from when I could first walk up until now. Sports hold a special place in my heart and I feel like this is one way I could give back, and help aid future generations of athletes.”

Just like many others, Jayce is feeling bittersweet about graduating, “I feel excited to start a new chapter in my life and to be finally done with high school, but at the same time it has gone so fast and part of me is sad to see it go.” 

Jayce has made many memorable memories with his teammates but his favorite memories are, “Trips to Orlando with the baseball team.” 

Throughout Jayce's time here at AHS, there was one teacher who stood out to him. “I feel like Mrs. Taylor is one of the teachers who have had a lasting impact on my life. She is always upbeat and you can tell that she has a real passion for her job and the teenagers that she is teaching.” 

Jayce's advice for the underclassmen is, “Don’t let the stress take over your life, there is always another test to do better on.” 

 In 2034 Jayce sees himself, “Working a full-time job in physical therapy, hopefully with a family of my own.”

Lastly, Jayce wants to share, “Enjoy your time because it flies!” and “Mistakes are the most valuable lessons.”

Written by Lana Witmer