Garrett Braun takes the corporate world by storm 

By: Shane Siddall

Senior Garrett Braun will be attending Kent State University to study General Business this fall. His passion for attending this school has always been with him, “I grew up going to the campus all the time, my brother went there, and it is a very good school for my major.” To follow on that, those who know Garrett know that he has a natural knack for business and management, and is surprisingly good with numbers. 

When it comes to the natural nerves of graduation and moving past these memorized halls, Garrett has a surprising indifference toward the whole ordeal, saying, “I feel indifferent about it. I know I will miss my friends but I am ready to make some new ones.” Already his calm demeanor is paying dividends into his business-related future. 

With us all spending the past four years together in these familiar halls there are bound to be memories both good and bad that stand out to each person. In Garrett’s case, it is performing at the football games, so I guess not so much in these halls. Garrett reflects on one of his favorite memories: “Definitely performing on senior night at a football game, getting to wear pink eye black, my pink shirt, and performing songs that I once did over 3 years ago as a freshman.” And for those who have noticed, he is one of the loudest trumpets in the band, making sure their presence is known for all to hear.

 We all might say that we like most of our teachers, but there is always one that stands out among the rest that stands out as our favorite, or the one that has had the most impact on us personally. For Garrett, it's Mr. Nabring: “I would definitely say Mr. Nabring, mainly due to me having him for over 4 years now. He has really made me love music and I couldn't thank him enough for it.”  

Now I would say, in moderate confidence, that none of us are philosophers or old wise men, but I would say that we all have some advice for underclassmen. Garrett's advice is something that can resonate with all of us, “Just have fun. Best advice I got was from a senior as a freshman and it was to just take it slow, and live in the moment.”

The one question that almost no one can answer with full confidence is, "Where do you see yourself in ten years, in 2034?" For Garrett, it is something all of us strive for: “Working at a job that I love, and living with a significant other or family.”

To finish off with some parting words, the ever famous or infamous, depending on how you look at it, parting words: “Thanks for the memories”, well, in this case, it was rather sweet and tender. Garrett’s senior quote is one of optimism, “You have to be able to  accept failure to get better” - Lebron James