Reilly Curtis: Veterans to Acrisure Stadium

By: Willa Sabelko

Friday night lights beam down onto the sparkly poms and glittery faces of the AHS cheerleaders each week in Veterans Stadium. Each girl puts her whole heart into cheering the team on at each game since they never know which will be the last. The seniors specifically soak each second in. 

Senior Reilly Curtis expressed that her favorite high school memory “is cheering every Friday night with [her] best friends and getting ready together before each game.”

Though she will miss cheer, she plans to stay close to football by “attending the University of Kentucky and majoring in journalism” to pursue her dream of becoming a “sports broadcaster, hopefully in the NFL.”

Growing up loving the Pittsburgh Steelers and attending games with her dad at Acrisure Stadium, Reilly developed a love for football, specifically for the Steelers. Therefore, in 2034, Reilly sees herself “out of Ohio” and “hopefully reporting on the sidelines for the NFL...the dream is to report on the Steelers." 

From the big stadiums, back to the Veterans’ Stadium, graduation. 

Graduation is often extremely emotional but also exciting. For Curtis, it is bittersweet. She says, “I’m excited to graduate and move on to new things, but I’m going to miss all of my friends.” 

Leaving everything she’s known her whole life will be difficult, but starting this new chapter is exciting. Graduating with those she’s grown up with is a sentimental, full-circle way to end her time at Aurora. Subsequently, Reilly wants to wish all her fellow seniors “good luck to everyone wherever we end up!” 

For underclassmen with some time left to enjoy at The Greenhouse, Reilly advises “to not procrastinate your work, especially as you enter senior year.” This will give you more time to relish your senior year and capture all the memories with your friends. 

Reilly leaves with this: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” -Walt Disney.