Dannica Amos is going from the soccer field to the sales field 

Her passionate view on college stems from her family. Amos says, ‘I want to attend college because I'll be the first person in my family to go to college.” She says she always thought she'd go into law but as life went on she realized that medical sales seemed to be the better route for her.

Her dreams of going to Cincinnati originate from her wanting to live in the city and saving on college expenses. “ I chose Cincinnati because I always pictured myself in the city and I don't have to pay out-of-state tuition but it's far enough away,” she explains. 

Amos says that in ten years she sees herself having graduated and working in medical sales in the city surrounded by good people. 

Amos says she's ready for the new experience of graduating but says she's going to miss high school. Some of her favorite memories come from rushing home on Fridays to get ready for those Friday night lights. “My favorite memory was having soccer practice on Fridays until 5:00 and then rushing home to shower and change for football games all 4 years. I got so good at getting ready so fast because of it.” Which fits in with her life motto, “Life’s short, Talk fast,” as so wonderfully said by the Golden Girls. Amos is racing on and off the soccer field. 

Within Aurora we have so many amazing teachers who influence our students, Amos says her most influential teacher was Mrs. Taylor. “Mrs. Taylor, although I've only had her this year, she really allowed me to talk to her about anything and even when I was having a bad day she always made me feel important to her as a person which some teachers don't. You can tell that she cares about every student on a personal level.” 

Her advice to the younger students at Aurora goes as follows, “My advice to underclassmen is to not focus too much on the future but on the present and I know that sounds cheesy but most good moments I missed because I was worried about the future. As well as to just enjoy high school and all that comes with it because you'll never be able to get it back. The best advice I received is to never want to grow up too fast because then you will be older wishing you were young.” Amos says her advice to the underclassmen is cheesy, but she has a great point. 

Amos’ final message as she leaves us reminds us to be more open-minded. “ To enjoy everything and say yes to everything. All of my friends and fun experiences I've ever had were saying yes to everything(within reason).” Stay smart, but be open to new experiences. 

Let's wish our senior luck as she goes from a Greenman to a Bearcat!