Rachael Palmer looks forward to becoming a future Wildcat

Senior at Aurora High School, Rachael Palmer, plans to attend the University of Kentucky in the fall and continue her educational journey. Rachael will study early childhood education in hopes of becoming a teacher in the future. On choosing Kentucky, Rachael says, “I have always liked the school and after touring I just knew I wanted to go there.” 

Rachael describes graduation as a “bittersweet” moment. She is sad to be leaving her friends and family but excited to begin a new chapter in her life. Reflecting on the good memories, Rachael describes her sophomore homecoming on the football field as her most notable memory. 

Rachael’s favorite teacher at Aurora High School is Mrs. Kington. Rachael says, “Mrs. Kington was always there for my sophomore year, and she still checks up on me even now. She was always so sweet and caring no matter what.” 

Rachael’s best piece is to, “make sure to try hard in school especially Freshmen year because it will catch up to you. Also, make sure to get involved with extracurricular activities.” 

Rachael’s final message as she graduates is, “High school is not easy, but enjoy it before it comes to an end.”

Rachael’s senior quote: “Everything will always work out in the end.” For Rachael Palmer, everything will work out in the end, and her impact on Aurora High School will be long-lasting. 

By: Harrison Mullin