Michael Phillip is on his way to being a Buckeye

Senior Michael Phillips will attend The Ohio State University, majoring in Finance. There, he is also hoping to join the waterski club. 

This club’s activity will undoubtedly be practiced over the summer--and has been since he was 4. Michael notes he “can’t wait for the summer to begin” and that he “would much rather be on summer break with no assignments due.”

Before graduating, Michael looks back on his time here at Aurora. He notes two teachers who left a mark on him: Mr. Pinzone and Mrs. Janzig. 

Firstly, he laughs back at his time in Room 200. “My favorite memories of high school all come from Mr. Pinzone's class whether it be doing a vocab presentation or a nug. Mr Pinzone never failed to make us laugh.”

Mrs. Janzig’s impact goes beyond the walls of AHS; it not only goes to the rink, where he plays hockey with her son, but also to her home.

“[She] impacted me the most because I have been her neighbor my whole life and she is almost like a second mom to me and she has always been someone I know and can trust.” 

As he leaves, Michael has some advice. He notes, “Focus on the present and not worry about the future…Nothing has ever not worked itself out so stop worrying so much.”

Michael has quite a goal-oriented future. He says, “I like to have things to work toward and look forward to. And having big goals can give you a lot of motivation.” 

Some of these goals include what he hopes to be doing 10 years from now.

“After college, I hope to get a good job where I can then buy a house on a lake in north/south Carolina where I can be close to the ocean too.”

Michael’s kindness, humor, and knowledge will take him so far in life, reaching all of his aspirations. Good luck to you, Michael!

Written by Ava McGovern