Maddie Lancon Comes from a Long Line of Lawyers

Senior Maddie Lancon plans on going to college at Case Western University for their law program. " I want to follow in my mom's footsteps and open up my own law firm focused on criminal law. My mom's entire family for generations has been involved in law, my mom's a lawyer, my grandfather's a lawyer, and his father was a judge...I wanted to continue the family tradition," says Lancon. 

Maddie states that her favorite memory from high school was during a band competition during sophomore year: "Our band was small and we were always given the underhand when it came to talking about impressive bands. That night we played the best we could and put on one of the best shows we ever had. As the night went on and we watched other bands we were all having the best time watching and being engulfed in the moment. During awards we were on the edges of our seats; it was states and we wanted to know if we would be advancing any further. They called third and second place then finally first and we won our division. Everyone was screaming and we took home a huge trophy. It was the first time I was really proud of my school and myself."

In 2034, Maddie sees herself with her own firm and hopefully not in debt. Regarding graduation, Maddie says, "I'm definitely nervous but who isn't? This is a huge new chapter in all our lives. Personally, I'm a little more excited than nervous."

Maddie goes on to talk about Mrs. Taylor being the teacher that impacted her the most: "She has been nothing but sweet and caring since I got to Aurora. She's been kind and so helpful and informative of everything going on."

Maddie leaves this advice to underclassmen:  "Do all the things you can, go to the dances, join the clubs, talk to everyone. I spent most of my high school years thinking everything was lame and not wanting to participate and now I wish I had."

Maddie Lancon's final message as she graduates is this: "Enjoy high school, the bad memories are the ones you will remember but there will always be more good ones than bad."

Written by: Charlotte Varkala