Jameson Embrescia is "swinging" his way to Marietta

Senior Jameson Embrescia will be attending Marietta College this coming fall as a baseball commit, majoring in Business and Entrepreneurship. Choosing the next 4 years of his life was rooted in a lot of passion and talent. 

He notes, “I grew up playing baseball since I was 3 and fell in love with the sport early and decided I wanted to make this part of my life. I decided on the business route because my dad is a financial advisor and I learned from him how to start my own. I made a promise to myself that I would one day play baseball at the next level for one of my set goals in life.”

On the topic of baseball, many of Jameson’s most cherished memories are rooted here. 

“Baseball Season Cabana Bay Orlando Spring break trip is always a blast and is one of the most fun times I've had on a trip. The team bonding that is formulated as well as the memories that are made is unmatchable.”

Lucky for Jameson, this trip is happening again this coming spring break. There is no doubt that more of these amazing experiences will be had in the nice warm weather, which Jameson is quite a fan of. In fact, he is hoping to have a “strong healthy family with a steady job on the beaches of Miami Florida” in 10 years. 

Jameson created numerous connections with the people in Aurora beyond baseball. One notable staff member is Ms. Waysack. 

“She taught me the highs and lows in math and got me to get my first A+ on a math summative,” Jameson says. 

With graduation coming up, Jameson touches on his feelings about leaving the wn that he grew up in. 

“I am ready to start a new chapter in my life as well as meet new people and overcome new experiences. I am still trying to get used to the thought of being so separated from my friends and others that I am close with.”

Before opening up this new chapter of his life, Jameson would like to give some pieces of advice, both of which highlight his humor. 

“Stay confident and yourself and ball out!” and “You want it to rain, you gotta deal with the mud.”

Jameson has a bright--and warm--future ahead of him. Good luck to you, Jameson!

Written by Ava McGovern