Eliza Abbott: Aurora to Columbus

2024 graduate, Eliza Abbott, will be attending The Ohio State University in the fall. While there, she plans on majoring in finance. For Eliza, this leads her to be one step closer to her goal of becoming a lawyer: “My goal is to ultimately end up going to law school and becoming a corporate lawyer.” 

When it comes to graduation, Eliza is excited, but she knows she’s going to miss her friends at Aurora: “I am excited to graduate and move to Columbus. I am going to miss my Aurora friends.” She’s also ready and excited to continue moving forward by going to college: “I’m excited to continue my education in college.”

Looking back on her time at AHS, Eliza says that her senior year spirit week holds her favorite memories: “I loved my senior year spirit week. As a senior, I participated in the 80’s decade day and I really liked my outfit. I had a fun time dressing up with my friends.” 

She also explains how Mrs. McKenzie, has impacted her the most during her time at AHS: “She helped me with future goals. Her class, business management, was one of my favorites and introduced me to entrepreneurship endeavors that I would like to pursue.” 

In ten years, Eliza hopes to see herself owning a home and working: “I see myself buying a home and working as an attorney.” 

Regarding advice to underclassmen, Eliza says participating in everything is the way to go: “Participate in all you can and try to do everything, you’re only in high school once.” 

Eliza’s senior quote definitely creates a good mindset: “Surround yourself with people your future self would like, too.” Her final message as she leaves is: “There is more to life than Aurora.” 

Written by: Maddie Mink