Brandon Liepins--newest Wildcat and future engineer

Senior Brandon Liepins will be attending the University of Kentucky this coming fall, studying biomedical engineering. Beforestepping into his bright future, Brandon reminisces on parts of his experience here in the town we love--Aurora. 

Something that will stay with him forever is “the memories [he] made with friends and teachers, and finding some people who will be in [his] life for a very long time.”

Among the teachers he created connections with, Mrs. Taylor left quite a big impact on him.

“[She] pushes me to my absolute best. We click a lot better than any other teacher I have had.”

Mrs. Taylor’s expectations for Brandon are rubbing off for the better. He says, “I want to hopefully run my own business when I am older, selling medical machinery or possibly making my invention in that field.” On top of all of those ambitions, he is also eager to be a husband and father, something he sees himself being 10 years from now. 

As he leaves AHS, he has a few pieces of advice for everyone. 

For underclassmen, he guides, “Get the hard stuff done early, so you have time to enjoy yourself. Take classes that will better prepare you for your future.”

In regards to the entire student body, he comments, “I am very thankful for all the people around me. It is a chapter of my life that I will never forget.”

And finally, to the town, Brandon smiles, “It’s been real, Aurora.” 

Brandon Liepins has undoubtedly made his mark at Aurora and will make his mark on the world.

Written by Ava McGovern