'Can't Get Enough' of Big Time Rush

By: Willa Sabelko

Big Time Rush: a fictional boyband gone international sensation. 

The members- James, Kendall, Carlos, and Logan- became known in households worldwide after Nickelodeon launched the show, “Big Time Rush” in November 2009. The show’s premise is about how four hockey players from Minnesota make it “big time” in Hollywood as a boyband, leading to the actual band’s success. 


The four hockey players from Minnesota (left to right: Logan, James, Kendall, and Carlos) are shown in a still from the show above. 

(@loganhenderson on Instagram)

The members are pictured above from left to right: Kendall Schmidt (vocals), Logan Henderson (vocals), James Maslow (vocals & piano), and Carlos PenaVega (vocals). 

From there, four seasons aired, and the show ended in July 2013. The boys stopped performing together in 2014, leaving fans heartbroken; however, Big Time Rush could not get enough and came back together for more music and touring in 2021.

Their most recent tour ended in August 2023 and included 39 shows across the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The group stopped in Aurora’s backyard at Blossom Music Center on July 17. They can’t seem to get enough since this is their 3rd time performing at Blossom!

The show kicked off with their openers, Jax, who only performed one song since she was ill, and MAX, who wowed the crowd with his outstanding stage presence.

With fresh music, corresponding outfits, a geometric platform stage, neon floodlights, and synchronized choreography, James, Kendall, Carlos, and Logan did not disappoint. They engaged with fans throughout the concert and kept the entire crowd energized. “Confetti Falling” immersed the crowd in the experience as pink lights showed confetti flying everywhere. 

(Willa Sabelko)

Neon green lights highlight each member of the band.

(Willa Sabelko)

Pink lights flood the venue as confetti falls during "Confetti Falling."

Of course, the show would not have been complete without their classics: “Boyfriend,” “Worldwide,” and “Big Time Rush.” Even for those who may not know their new songs well, the setlist was diverse enough to bring nostalgia to all involved. 

In addition to limited ventilation, Blossom Music Center has its faults, such as strict bag policies, rules against water with lids, and a problematic parking setup; however, all of this was forgotten when Big Time Rush stepped onto the stage.

Overall, the “Can’t Get Enough” tour by Big Time Rush was an incredible experience and was worth every penny. Definitely try to catch them if they announce another tour soon, and take a listen to their new music!

(@loganhenderson on Instagram)

Logan does a backflip off of the geometric stage setup while the rest of the band watches in awe.

(@loganhenderson on Instagram)

Kendall and Logan jamming out on the confetti-covered stage.