Spring Fling: Best Spring Memories

Spring Fling is up and coming! The annual spring dance not only has the new freshmen excited, but the graduating seniors are still excited for this night. 

Freshman, Bella Sferry, exclaims her excitement for the entire night: “I am most excited to get ready and spend time with my friends at the spring fling!” Although Sferry has never attended Spring Fling before (as she’s a freshman), it’s safe to say that she’s extremely delighted and ready for the night. 

Similar to Sferry, senior Ava McGovern is also excited for her last Spring Fling dance: “Being with my friends for the last Spring Fling is what I’m most excited about. Getting to be together with everyone will be a super fun memory to make as senior year comes to a close.” 

Not only is McGovern excited for the dance, but she’s looking forward to the entire week leading up to the dance: “...I actually really enjoy the decorating from the dance. Watching the whole thing come together is really fun. I also love sprit week; I get really into it, especially as a senior. The dances are all the same between Homecoming and Spring Fling, but getting on the dance floor with friends is always a great time.” 

Sferry also explains how she’s anticipating simple things happening before the dance: “I’m excited to take pictures and eat some food.” Following Ava, Bella seems to ready for the dance, along with everything else involved with the event. 

As it seems, both freshmen and seniors seem to have similar anticipation for the upcoming dance. Hearing Ava and Bella talk about what they’re most excited for is making more and more people ready for the dance! If you haven’t heard, all the money from tickets goes to the senior’s after prom. Going to the dance already creates a great memory, but it spreads to the senior’s last dance as well. Have fun at Spring Fling!

Picture from Willa Sabelko

Picture from Ava McGovern

Picture from Willa Sabelko

Written by: Maddie Mink