AHS Gymnastics is "vaulting" their way through the season

This year, Aurora High School has the biggest gymnastics team since the program started. Gymnastics is a sport that requires strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. According to Virginia Elite Gymnastics Academy, “Mental strength is also required in gymnastics as gymnasts must be able to control their minds and focus on the task at hand despite any distractions that may be present.” Gymnastics categories are divided into levels from 1-10. These are divided into groups for beginners (levels 1-3) and groups for advanced/professionals (levels 4-10). 

Many of our gymnasts started working for this sport when they were as young as 3-4 years old. There are 4 different events that gymnasts can compete in: floor, vault, bars, and beam. Senior, Kassidy Fry and Sophomore, Riley Verespej compete all around. Junior, Carolyn Jakosh also does all 4 events but is in the lineup for vault, bars, and floor. Kassidy Fry says that this is what a typical gymnastics meet looks like for her: “Before the meet, I have to get my pre-meet Starbucks and braid my hair to put up into a bun. During the meet, we stretch and warm up our basic skills before getting on our first event. For most meets we warm up the event and then compete in that same event. We repeat this for every event until we are done and then we wait for awards. Normally we go grab dinner after, most likely Canes.”


Senior, Kassidy Fry on vault (greenmengymnastics).

Riley is a level 8 gymnast currently training for level 9, she says that her favorite team memory was when the gymnastics team broke the school record for the highest-scoring team with a score of 142.85. The score for gymnastics is determined based on the execution of a routine with points deducted for falls, errors in technique, etc. Riley states, “Gymnastics meets can be stressful, but my teammates and coaches have helped me learn to have fun. They are full of cheering each other on, laughing, and words of encouragement. As much fun as we have, I have to make sure I focus on the event once I am up.” 

The AHS gymnastics team has a very close connection. Carolyn says, “They are the most supportive people I’ve ever met, we would not be able to have anywhere near the amount of success we have had so far if it weren’t for each and every one of them.”


Kassidy is currently a level 8 gymnast as well. She loves trying new skills and pushing herself every day to do better in competitions. Her favorite memory was the team making districts for the first time during her junior year. Fry says, “My coaches are the most supportive people and always want us to do our best but also care about our overall health and make sure we don’t push ourselves too far. My teammates always scream for me during all of my routines and calm my nerves. They are such a talented group of girls to be around and I will miss them so much next year.”

Jakosh likes participating in gymnastics because for her it's very physically and mentally demanding, being able to see progress and success after pushing herself has proved to be very rewarding. When talking about her teammates Caroyln states, “We see each other and work together through thick and thin and without support from each other we would not be able to do the things we do.”


Riley feels similarly about gymnastics. For her, some of her closest friendships have resulted from doing gymnastics. She says, “I am so thankful for all of the teammates and coaches throughout the years, as I would not have made it as far as I have without them. My coaches, both club and high school, have helped encourage and push me to reach my full potential. They help me find ways every day to improve. My teammates help get me through every practice and meet, both good and bad. Some of my greatest friendships are a result of gymnastics.” Carolyn says, “They can be pretty high stress, but our team tends to lighten the mood for everyone with our LOUD cheering from us, our coaches, and parents.”

The gymnastics team supports each other during every meet good or bad. Verespej states, “We are growing and improving together as a team while we inch closer to our big goals. The team encourages each other constantly to become their best. As the season progresses, the goals we have been aiming for are getting closer, and we realize our hard work is paying off.”


    This team spends a lot of time together as a result of practices, competitions, and team dinners. Gymnastics is a large of of Olympic competitions but there are also district, state, and national competitions for Gymnastics. Gymnastics is a very complex sport with many different skills involved. In gymnastics, all gymnasts can have their unique skills and continue to learn more and overcome obstacles. The last thing Riley says is: “It is such a positive environment where we all want to see each other succeed. Competing both individually and as a team is wonderful, as we all have a common goal of doing our best for ourselves and each other.”

Make sure to go support our gymnastics team as they continue with their season! 

Future AHS Gymnastics competitions will be linked here!

Gymnastics Instagram Account: greenmengymnastics

By: Charlotte Varkala