Dylan Crasi--Aurora star to JCU Blue Streak

Senior Dylan Crasi will be attending John Carroll University as a football commit in the fall, planning to major in business. 

When asked about his choices, Dylan touched on his inspiration for both football and his major. 

“I have been influenced by many great people in my life to choose the business path, and I’m sure that it will help me be successful later in life. Football has always been a big part of my life and keeps my head on straight,  and there was no chance I’d give that up.”

On the topic of football, Dylan was not only known as a football star at Aurora…he was known nationally! After a game-winning interception against Barberton, the clip of Dylan was streamed in ESPN’s Top 10 as the #1 clip. Despite this once in a lifetime experience, Dylan cherishes what’s close to his home and his heart above all else. 

He notes, “It’s easy to say that being featured on ESPN was my favorite memory, but truly it was going to practice each day with 65 of my best friends, making memories on and off the football field.”

The relationships Dylan formed go beyond his peers and teammates; his coaches were a huge influence on his life, specifically head coach Bob Mihalik.
“Coach Mihalik has always been a person I’ve held the most respect for in my time at AHS. He held me to such high standards athletically and academically and ultimately shaped me into a better human being during my time here. Whether it was football, or just going in his office to talk about life, he has truly done many great things for me behind closed doors to better my success.”

Clearly Coach did a great job with Dylan, being that he is set up for a bright future ahead of him in all aspects of his life. This future, Dylan hopes, will entail “settling down south with a great job…starting a family, and getting some puppies.”

Bringing the focus back to the little town Dylan grew up in, he touches on his time here. 

“I truly enjoyed being in the school district of Aurora. All of Aurora’s students are presented with endless opportunities and our district shapes its students into fine young adults. I am a believer in don’t forget where you came from and I don’t think anyone could forget this tight-knit community that we are so blessed to have in our lives.”

Wrapping it up, Dylan has some valuable pieces of advice--something the many little kids who look up to him should hear.

“Be kind to those around you, don’t take your years for granted, and never forget your goals in life.”
Finally, he exclaims, “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door,” something Dylan has undoubtedly done for himself. 

Dylan is destined to make his mark wherever he ends up the same way he’s made his mark on Aurora. Good luck to you, Dylan!

Written by Ava McGovern