Ben G. goes from Greenman to Flyer

Senior Ben Gallmann is going to the University of Dayton where he plans to major in Entrepreneurship. Ben says, “I've always been super interested in businesses and how it works and how it gets started so I'm very excited to learn about the major and hopefully create my own business.” 

With graduation coming up in only nine days, Ben states, “I'm super excited for graduation. It's bittersweet because I'm gonna miss my friends, but I'm also super excited for college and all the freedom and memories that come with that.” 

For Ben, high school has been a very positive experience: “My favorite memory is just hanging out and being with my friends whether it was in school or at school sports being with my friends for sure made my high school experience.”

In 2034, Ben says, “I hopefully see myself as a business owner with a lot of money in 2034, but obviously, the biggest thing is to be happy and healthy with great people around me.”

When talking about the teacher that has impacted him the most, he speaks of Mrs. Taylor, who is both a teacher and friend to Ben: “Mrs.Taylor impacted me the most because she made the senior year so fun and is super involved with everyone and what they do and is like a friend and teacher. She even went to one of my and my friend's Sunday league soccer games in Hudson.”

His advice to underclassmen is, “My advice for underclassmen is to be nice to everyone because it will help you in the long run. If you need something or help with something being nice goes a long way because people will want to help you. The best advice I've ever received is just to be positive. Being positive and uplifting makes life a lot more fun and helps the people around you as well.”

In his final message, Ben wishes the best for everyone and thanks his teachers throughout his time at AHS: “My final message would just be that I'm blessed for the high school experience I had, and that's thanks to my teachers, friends, and family and I hope others have just as great of an experience as I had and hopefully better.”

Finally, Ben's senior quote is, “Enjoy everything and live in the moment.”

By: Charlotte Varkala