Arjun Lokesh: Global Pianist and Upstanding Junior at AHS

(Open Souce with Christopher Lydon)

Do the names Beethoven, Billy Joel, or Martha Argerich ring a bell? What about Arjun Lokesh? If that name sounds familiar, it’s because Arjun is a worldwide competing pianist and a junior at Aurora high school. Arjun started on the keys at the young age of five and has been playing ever since. What started as something Arjun might try out, turned into something that would take him to worldwide championships. 

Arjun humbly told me that, “I actually still don’t consider myself to be a great pianist.” During the long days in quarantine, Arjun would spend at least an hour every day. Some of his competitions we even held on zoom. Kids from all over the world would log on to a video call and play piano. Arjun commented, “That was not fun at all, sometimes I wouldn’t even participate.” 

Arjun is the first in his family to pursue an instrument. As his families travel around to different countries, Arjun comically adds, “I like going to competitions because you can treat it like a vacation. My favorite place to play is the Walt Disney Hall in California or London.” Arjun has been out of the country for piano only once, however he should have gone three times but COVID canceled two. Arjun had to compete through zoom. When asking about some of Arjun’s influences, he told me, “It’s mainly my parents, they told me to try music one day and you might like it. It sort of is a stress reliever to me.” In terms of musical influences, Arjun likes a lot of rock music and sometimes he will play some on the piano on his own time. 

(Arjun Lokesh live at Royal Albert Hall in London, England)

(Arjun Lokesh live at Royal Albert hall in London, England)

Arjun revealed that music would never be something he would pursue after high school. In hopes of going to med school after high school, Arjun said, “I think I would keep it as a hobby, that’s kinda what's so cool about it. I can just show people at any point and surprise them.”

To conclude, not only is Arjun a smart, kind individual, but he is also an uber talented pianist. Arjun told me lately he has not been as diligent in playing, however it is always something that he can display to others at any time. He hopes to countine playing piano as hobby throughout his life.

Written by Harrison Mullin