Madeline Shanholtzer: future nurse

Current senior, Madeline Shanholtzer, will be off to college this fall. She plans on attending Kent State University to potentially major in Nursing. 

Careers of service run in Madeline’s family, as she explains, “ My mom, Aunt, and Uncle are all nurses. I was always surrounded by it growing up and I want to help people and nursing is one way I can do that.  I also love that majoring in nursing can provide many different job opportunities.” Whoever gets Madeline as their nurse, they will be in great hands! 

Madeline has a good mindset about graduation but will still have a place in her heart for Aurora, “ I am very excited about graduation because change is important, but a part of me is also nervous. I am nervous to leave Aurora, which is all I have known since I was little and to leave all of my friends behind.” I think many can agree with Madeline about how sad it will be to leave the one place they always knew as home.

Madeline has had a ton of great memories at AHS; however, one stands out. “One of my favorite memories was being on the Aurora volleyball team, winning the suburban league conference,” she reminisces.

She has a special appreciation for the Aurora teaching staff specifically, Mrs Dirda. “The teacher that impacted me the most was Mrs.Dirda. She is always a friendly face in the halls, and she always has some jokes to make. When I took her class junior year she would always let another student and I come in and review, and she would always be willing to help. I definitely struggled in her class, but it taught me a lot about psychology and myself.”

Throughout her hard work at AHS she wants to share, “My advice to underclassmen is work hard to get good grades, study, and put in the extra work. No matter what happens you tried your best and that's all that matters.”

Madeline has some big, wholesome plans for the future, “In 2034, I see myself finished with school, in another state, potentially South Carolina. I picture myself having a stable nursing job, being surrounded by people I love, and starting a family.” 

Lastly, Madeline wants to add, “When faced with a decision, if even a part of you wants to do it, say yes and do it!”

“Regardless of what others think, always be yourself.” Not only does Madeline want people to physically be the best they can but she ends off her spotlighting with hopes people mentally will be their best too.

Written by Lana Witmer