Hayden Gallagher is going through the fire and the flames  

By: Shane Siddall 

Senior Hayden Gallagher will be charging through fire and ash, while spiting death itself as he becomes what so little can accomplish; Hayden will become a firefighter as well an E.M.T (Emergency Medical Technician).

When asked why he has decided to enter such a strenuous and dangerous line of work, and what he plans to do with his soon to be found skills, he answered passionately, “ Ever since I have been a child I knew I wanted to be a firefighter and well with today's standards you have to do a lot more than fight fire…the medical side of the service is even more apparent ever day and is a step in furthering my end goal and purpose of giving back to the community I know and love.” One cannot deny the nobility of his motivations, as those who brave the dangers simply to help others are thought to be of legend; Hayden is more than fulfilling that legend in the modern day. 

When asked how he wants to further his skills and where he sees himself going with this profession, he answered ambitiously, “ Furthering education as a paramedic and getting enlisted into a local fire department.” If I was ever under Hayden’s care I would have full confidence in his ability to save me. 

Although his line of work requires bravery and resilience beyond compare, but alas bravery is not the absence of fear it is the ability to conquer said fear, but in Hayden’s case the fear is instead replaced by excitement. “ It's exciting but ultimately it's a cog in the wheel of my eventual end goal and purpose, just another thing that needs to get done,” Hayden explains. One cannot deny the pragmatic view of approach and it might be the best approach overall. 

We all have our favorite memories in this school. For Hayden the memory is really simple and quick,“ Gotta be the Disney trip.” Hayden and his family met his brother who is in the band down in Florida to spend time together. Spending time with one’s family is very important and it is rather endearing that this is his favorite high school memory. 

Good or bad for better or worse we all have our favorite teachers or staff members. In Hayden’s case yet again he had a short but sweet answer, “Mr. Albrecht was really chill”. He certainly has a way with words that none can deny, and even fewer can replicate. 

When asked where most people see themselves in ten years, most are unable to answer said questions, but for Hayden he has a much more optimistic outlook on it, “Living life to its fullest everyday, experiencing faith in religion and furthering my connection to god.” That has to be one of the most inspired plans I've heard, and I have no doubt he will more than achieve his goals.

The final message that Hayden leaves for these hallowed halls, well-worn rooms, and forgotten posters, his message is simple and yet can drive men to ever greater feats, “Carry on.” Once again Hayden can say so much in so few words. 

To end on what I think is a positive note, yet a very confusing one, Hayden's senior quote is “ I’m the blight.” Still not quite sure what that means. 

To end on what I think is a positive note, yet a very confusing one, Hayden's senior quote is “ I’m the blight.” Still not quite sure what that means.