Ryan Ziegler, Luke McGovern, and Carter Fitzgerald proving themselves as freshmen!

Being one of the only freshmen to sit varsity is more than an accomplishment and feels rewarding. To start off, we get to hear from Ryan about his experience, “It’s cool to know you're one of the only freshmen who got this opportunity to learn, even if you don't play it’s cool to know you're one of the 3 suiting for varsity”. From Luke, “It’s a cool experience you don’t really have to play but get to watch at a good angle”. Carter says how, “It’s a cool experience to see the game close up and get to expect things for the upcoming years.”

With being freshmen, there is no doubt that there is a huge difference when comparing their experience from the freshmen team to varsity. Ryan starts off by sharing, “For games, it’s different because there's like 20 times more people.” He also mentions how “Running out for the first time is such a surreal feeling and the atmosphere is electric and is so different, even with the plays on the field, watching it it's so much faster.” Not only is the experience different on the inside but it is also “Cool to see how the city supports the team and how the stands are always packed.” Luke mentions how, “Freshmen games aren't as hype but even though he's not playing for varsity it has such a different vibe and more hype.” Carter states how there are a “Lot more people watching and supporting.”

Getting told that you are gonna be dressing as a freshman, especially for football can be a nerve-racking experience. Ryan shares his experience being offered this opportunity, “Mihalik walked up to me on the Friday of the Highland game and asked me if I wanted to help with their scout team and suit up for the game for the playoffs.” Ryan exclaims how he was excited by this news by immediately saying yes and then proceeded to text his mom about the good news. Luke tells how he got asked when he was in photography, “I was walking in the halls and saw Mihalik and he came up to me and said the same thing that Ryan said.” He was excited by this news as well. Carter says how Mihalik was talking to Ryan and saw him and he came up to Carter and asked him if he wanted to come up and practice with the varsity.

Getting this opportunity has given these 3 some of their most memorable moments. Ryan talks about how fun it is to run out on the field and give little kids high fives. He also appreciates how “Upperclassmen are very inviting and helpful and aren't mean and avoid you.” Luke explains “Next year we’ll know what to do.” Also, it was cool to watch it from the sidelines to be closer and get a better understanding. Carter says how it’s, “Nice to know what to expect next year.”

Overall, these 3 lucky but humble freshmen were given the opportunity many wish to get and should be very proud of themselves. Not only did they have a good time but they have learned a lot and plan on carrying their lessons and memories with them for the years to come.

Written by: Lana Witmer