Cassidy Trem is ready

 to make waves at OSU

By: Willa Sabelko

Senior Cassidy Trem is on her way to “The Ohio State University!” where she “will be majoring in Material Science Engineering” and “minoring in economics and Spanish.” She will also compete “at the Division I level on the Women’s Rowing Crew!” 

Trem explained that she decided on a Material Science Engineering major because one day she hopes “to change the way we extract metals for automotive parts. The overall goal is to make it more environmentally friendly and sustainable!” 

Continuing down that path, when asked about her more distant future, Cassidy explained, “In 2034, I imagine myself working as a Metallurgist or an Engineering Professor at a University! I am hoping to live on the East Coast; however, I would settle for Colorado or Washington State as well!”

Regarding graduation, Trem said, “It is a bittersweet feeling. Although I am going to miss Aurora and all of my friends next year, I am very excited to go off to college and pursue my career passions!” 

Trem has many fond memories of Aurora and the people within, including track accomplishments and an appreciation for Mrs. Miley. 

She described her favorite memory from high school: “When my former teammate and I broke the long jump relay record for track! It was my first year ever running track, and it was such an amazing feeling!” 

Furthermore, when asked to choose a single staff member that impacted her the most, she explained, “Mrs. Miley has had the biggest impact on me throughout my high school career! She has not only helped me with what classes to take and what colleges to apply to, but she has helped me become a better person and student. I will really miss not having Mrs. Miley around next year, but I plan on carrying everything she has taught me with me as I transition to college.” 

Before moving on from Aurora, Trem has a few sentiments to share. 

Cassidy advises underclassmen, “Don’t be afraid to get involved and follow your passions. If something seems fun, try it out, and if you don’t like it, then at least you tried.” 

Additionally, Cassidy wants to thank “all of [her] classmates and teachers that have shaped [her] into the person [she is] today!” She says, “I couldn’t have done it without you all!” 

She leaves with a final senior quote, “Live life to the fullest and make sure to look both ways before you cross the street.”