Aidan Houston is the next Stan Lee

By: Shane Siddall

Senior Aidan Houston will be embracing his inner Stan  Lee over at Northern Michigan studying Art and writing, and going to emt school.

When asked why he decided to go into this field of study, which is traditionally seen as an obscure subject, Aidan answered honestly, “For the university there's so much the area is full of interesting opportunities and people, and things to do. My motivation behind such, I want to help change the world for the better and with writing and being out there helping people”. No-one can deny the virtue in his motivations, as there is nothing more admirable than trying to make the world a better place. 

When it comes to the anticipation toward the pinnacle of almost every highschool career being that of graduation. Due to the fact that the last four years have been spent working toward this one day, it can naturally cause some feeling of anxiety or fear, but in the case of Aidan he has a different mind set toward it, “ I’ve waited a long time for it. And I'm both excited and ready for it”. I can say with a modicum of confidence that is how a good portion of highschoolers feel, with them ready to finally be able to carry on with their lives beyond these walls. 

Speaking of the walls of this school we have memorized them down to the faintest crack and crevice, and in that memorization we have memories that will live with us till our dying day. When asked what our favorite memory is, most would take a moment of hesitation and contemplation.  But for Aidan it was a rather quick and broad answer, “Hanging out with the fellas, getting into mischief”. Well now I’m sure that the school will be trying to find out what “mischief” he got himself into.

When it comes to the staff of this school for most it really is hit or miss, but for the ones that hit it can really make the difference for how the rest of your year can go. When I asked Aidan who his favorite teacher was he siad with no doubt in his voice, “Mrs. Carlson was always a great help any time I needed it, some others like Mr. Pinzone for making English a genuinely interesting class. And Mr. Dingman for just being a good math teacher”. Well I guess in this case it's more than one, just so he wouldn’t hurt anyone's feelings. 

When it comes to his advice for the underclassmen, because after four years of being locked in this school we might have learned a thing or two, and that advice is, “ Don’t take most of what goes on in high school seriously”. I would have to agree to this advice, because at the moment it might seem like popularity is everything, but in reality it is only four years of your life. 

When the famous question of “where do you see yourself in ten years”, that can make the successful person in the world take a moment to think about the future, for Aidan it was more than simple, “Hopefully I'm in a career that makes me happy and helps people”. Well we can tell throughout this article that Aidan’s motivations are more than admirable.

The final message from Aidan to Aurora city schools is simple and sweet, “Thank you for the strife, memories, and the experiences.” again simple yet sweet. His senior quote that he parts with is, “And that hole will be a path for those behind us! The dreams of those who have fallen... The hopes of those who will follow! Those two sets of dreams weave together into a double helix, drilling a path towards tomorrow!”.