Fashion, law books, dogs, and drama. If those words peak your interest then it sounds like this year's AHS spring musical is up your alley. “Legally Blonde”, is a thrilling tale of Elle Woods, a girl who wants nothing more than to become Mrs. Warner Huntington lll. After being told she was “too blonde” for marriage and not serious enough, Elle packs her bags and goes to Harvard to show how serious she can be. 

Mr. Albrecht, the director of the AHS musicals, has worked meticulously behind the scenes to create a wonderful show that he is proud to have his name attached to. Despite having to share the stage and being unable to build as he normally would, Mr. Albrecht’s creative changes highlight the mastery behind the show. “I don't know if people who are watching the play will be excited, but I had to make some creative changes that I am proud of.  Because the Band uses the stage during eighth period, I couldn't build any permanent structure on the stage.  Usually in the musical the crew and I build a multi-level structure that we use for different locations.  Because I couldn't build one this year almost all of our set pieces are being flown in from above.  And I actually think it works better.  It allows for quicker transitions between the scenes.” 

Even with a few small hiccups, Mr. Albrecht shares he is very excited to watch the show bloom. A musical that really pulls you in, it will make you laugh and cry. Mr. Albrecht says his favorite scenes provoke all emotions. “I like when the boys join in with their dance on the song ‘Bend and Snap,’ I like watching Emma Robb's expression as she sings ‘Ireland,’ I like it when the set changes get made on time, I get choked up when Regan Kacmar and Max Nabring sing their duet in the song ‘Legally Blonde.’" If Mr. Albrecht is this excited, then the audience is going to be even more excited!

Purchase your tickets to see this amazing musical at Aurora High School here

Following close behind, making sure the stage doesn't fall apart, is Rebecca Rentfrow, the stage manager. Becca holds the set together behind the scenes while the musical goes on, and is eager for the curtains to open. “I am excited about the show happening, I love doing these shows even though they can be stressful.” 

Rebecca says the most stressful part of the show has been the timing of scenes,“The hardest part is trying to figure out how to get things out in time without the crew being seen.”  As a senior, Becca is excited but sad about her last show. I am sad that this is my last show but it is what it is and I can’t do anything about it. I can’t go back and redo it so I have to just be glad that it’s happening now.”

This year's musical is filled with tons of talent! One of the talented students leading this play is Max Nabring.  Max has the exciting role of Emmit Forrest, a smart and sensitive mentor who takes Elle under his wing as she finds her way through law school. Max’s senior year has a killer ending to it and Max himself is more than excited for the show. “I am so incredibly excited for everyone to see this show. We have worked very hard to prepare it and I could not ask for a better show, cast, and crew to finish off my high school career strong.” Just as Max says, the AHS students have worked hard for an amazing musical. 

Speaking of talent within the AHS walls, while you're at the musical, don't forget about the art show! Check it out before the show or during intermission, just make sure you're back in your seat to see Elle and her peers wade through this mess of life! 

Broadway, Palace Theater Playbill (2007)

By Maddie Lancon