Brooke Gecina: Future Physical Therapist

Brooke Gecina plans on going to college to study physical therapy. She says, “I am going to study Physical Therapy with a focus on sports therapy because sports has been such a major part of my life and I am not ready to give that up yet.”

Brooke says that her favorite high school memory is, “My senior night for volleyball because we had just won conference and we had a whole celebration after with the forklift to put the number up and the confetti poppers, it was a night to remember.”

In 2034, Brooke sees herself living on a lake/ocean, somewhere warmer than Ohio. 

In regards to the teacher that has impacted her the most, Brooke says, “Mrs.Dirda has been the most impactful for me because she has been the teacher that I can go to with absolutely anything and she will stop and take the time to listen to me no matter what the issue is.”

With graduation coming up, Gecina states, Graduation is bittersweet for me because I am sad to be leaving this group of kids I've grown up with but I am excited to see where these next few years take me!”

Her final message as she graduates is to “take it all in.” The best advice she has ever received is: “Open your eyes and take everything in because HS will be over before you know it." Her advice for underclassmen is: “Don't sweat the small things, life is too fast for that.”

Finally, her senior quote comes from Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

By: Charlotte Varkala