Michael Ivey is

 Trading Textbooks

 for Properties 

With Michael Ivey’s senior year coming to an end, he reflects on everything he's learned in these AHS walls. Armed with a steadfast commitment to changing the world, Michael Ivey has big plans for his future. 

He plans on going to John Carroll University for marketing while continuing to grow his property empire by expanding his philanthropic portfolio. Michael says this passion started as a kid. “Since I was a kid I have always loved looking at houses, and I knew that I’ve always wanted to deal with them in some way. I also wanted to help other people whether it is housing, or donating to organizations.” He knew from a young age he wanted to help others, so this only made sense. 

Ten years from now, Michael sees himself living in a penthouse with his degrees! “I will graduate with my [MBA], and living in a penthouse. I will be a real estate investor and wholesaler,” he said. 

But as graduation peeks from around the corner, Michael says he is a little saddened to be leaving our Greenhouse. “I feel sad leaving the Aurora school district since I have been here for 12 years, and some of the best memories I have are with people who are graduating with me. On the other hand, I know that I will stay in contact with the ones I love, and we will visit each other to keep the bond going.” 

In our AHS walls, there are many influential teachers and staff. Michael says that the most influential person in his life has been Mrs. Dirda. “Mrs. Dirda has impacted me the most because of her views on life. She has lots of experience with multiple situations and always gives the best advice even when no one [asks] for it. Even with knowing her for less than a year, she made a great impact on my life.” Even with little time to influence, she has made a difference in Michael's life. High school is a significant time in someone's life. Plenty of memories are made in the halls of AHS but Michael says his favorite was when he had eighth-period gym with his friends. 

Michael’s advice to the incoming freshman goes as follows: “Remember that the decisions you make in your beginning years will dictate your future even if it doesn’t seem like it. Do the right thing, and never forget who you are.” This aligns with his senior quote, “Make sure when it’s your time to leave this world, you have no regrets.” 

His final message as he leaves these walls shows just how appreciative he is for his family. “I did all my accomplishments for my family, and without them, none of this would be possible.”

Good luck to Michael as he works to achieve his dreams of degrees and penthouses!

Written by Maddie Lancon