Devin Allen to take on Washington! 

By: Shane Siddall

When it comes to names that are known around the school, there are few that are more known than Devin Allen, but most don’t know of his political brilliance, or that he is one of the brightest minds in this school. That's why Ohio University is welcoming him with open arms to study in their Political Science program, where Devin will be taking on the ever-convoluted world of political mayhem and bureaucracy. 

When asked why he decided to go into such a decisive field in such a tumultuous time politically in our country, he answered rather plainly, “Law and Politics is very near and dear to my heart and to me it’s stuff like that that is fun.” If you have the mind, and more importantly the stomach, for such a line of work then most will not try to stop you, and Devin has proved time and again that he indeed has both. 

Although Devin may be taking on the brutal world of politics with a face of stoney indifference, it is still more than natural to have anxiety or fear over graduation, but once again Devin breaks the mold. “I’m beyond ready to venture into the unknown and I graduate on my birthday so I’m super happy about that,” he shared. Rather convenient that the day we step into the real world is the day Devin is recognized as an adult in the eyes of the state, just in time for him to start carving out his political career. 

When it comes to memories that we have in highschool they don’t necessarily have to be in the school itself, they can emancipate themselves from these halls of academia and into the breeze of the open world. When asked, Devin thought for a second and then enthusiastically answered, “My favorite memory of High School was the summers, between going out with my friends at night, beach days, the lovely weather or the weekend bonfires at my house, the summers are by far my favorite!” Although these four years may have gone by with shocking velocity, times like Devin mentioned will always ring true for years if not decades to come. 

When it comes to the staff of this school, from the brand new teachers to the veterans with decades of experience, every student has their favorite. When Devin was pressed for an answer, he responded proudly, “Mr Rubin, his eccentric personality and approach to teaching not only makes his classes enjoyable, but somewhat addicting in a way. There was never a dull moment being in his room and I would wake up in the morning excited to hear his wily takes on government, while also sharing mine.” Mr. Rubin has made multiple political geniuses in this graduating class, Devin chief among them, so Washington better brace itself as it doesn't know that the greenmen’s pride is soaring toward them.  

After years in the same building, and repeating the same actions time after time, we seniors have learned a thing or two, and some of us have decided to impart some of our wisdom on the upcoming classes. When asked, Devin gave the following advice, “Make your life about you, base all your decisions around your own persona and stand firm on your ideas and beliefs. Assert yourself, your ideas are worthwhile.” During our tenure here many decide to forsake their own personality to “fit in;” Devin’s advice is a powerful reminder to stay true and stand firm with who you are. 

We will never know where we will actually be in ten years, but we can at least take a guess at it. Devin guesses, “Something notable, while also either preparing myself to grow a family or continuing to nurture one I may already have.” Knowing Devin, he will be leading something that is far more than notable in ten years. 

Devin’s final message to the school is as follows: “Thank you for nurturing me and watching me blossom over the last 4 years.” Rather sentimental if I may say so. 

Devin’s senior quote comes from Master Oogway from “Kung Fu Panda”: , “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift… that is why it is called the present.”