Maya McVicker: Future Early Childhood Education Major

Senior, Maya McVicker, is undecided but is leaning toward attending Ohio University for college and intends to study early childhood education. Maya says, “I have known I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember. I love working with young children and helping people. I have had lots of experience serving as a role model to children at summer camp and through theater. It is so fulfilling to help children learn and grow.”

Maya's favorite high school memories are football games and the week of homecoming. 

The teacher who impacted Maya the most is Mr. Boe, who has taught her ASL for three years. McVicker states, “His teaching, encouragement, and belief in me as a learner has helped me develop a passion for ASL. I hope to continue to learn ASL in the future, and potentially use it later in life as a teacher.”

In 2034, Maya sees herself having a job as a first-grade teacher and hopefully starting a family. Her advice for underclassmen is this: “Don't be afraid to take risks and put yourself out there, there are so many opportunities to learn and grow at Aurora High School.”

With graduation approaching, Maya states, “I'm super excited to move on to a new chapter in my life, but also nervous about adjusting to college life!”

Her final message as she graduates is: “Thank you to my teachers and coaches for all of their support during the past four years!”

Finally, her senior quote comes from A.A. Milne, “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

By: Charlotte Varkala