Selena Elliott

  She may be only now becoming an adult, but she's always taken on the responsibilities and leadership of one. Having parents that divorced during 7th grade, a pastor as a father and being the oldest sister, she, naturally, had higher expectations put on her. School is its own weight as well with letter grades and tests that can feel like nothing but distraction where there is already so much else to do, to care about that it can be dizzying to try keeping up with it all. it , on that point, why she commented “would I do it again…Probably not”. This led, quite as naturally, to her growing up “...feeling oppressed” as she put it.

But she found music's limitlessness to be freeing too. Plugging in and tuning out is, according to her, “..the only thing that has kept me sane”. It’s what kept her sanew throughput life and the class that kept her so in school. Being a section leader this year her fingers had to, at once, dance on top golden pedals so the sax could breathe music towards rows stacked on rows of peoples as well as dictate, organize and synchronize her squad like music notes on a page.  After graduating from Slippery Rock she plans on becoming a music teacher to help other kids, possibly also over encumbered by the weight of the world, find the joy and reassurance in music as well.  

Written by Caleb Garetson