Grace Rodich: Up-and-Coming Artist! 

Senior Grace Rodich is attending the Ohio State University for studio art! She also hopes to minor in history once she gets grounded there. Grace says, “I am interested in pursuing art because I have always enjoyed learning skills and techniques for making art. Additionally, I am deeply interested in the origins of art and history in general, which has been enriched during my time at AHS. This synthesis of my interests in college will hopefully lead me to my dream career!” 

With graduation coming up, Grace says, “Graduation is bittersweet because as excited I am to graduate because it marks a new chapter of my life that I am so excited to explore, I am also nervous to leave Aurora.”

With big ambitions for 2034, Grace says, “I hope to be working in a museum or gallery as a curator, and maybe working on my own commissioned artwork on the side.”

The teacher who impacted Grace the most is Mr. Berrodin. Grace explains, “This may seem obvious, but the teacher that impacted me most was probably Mr. Berrodin. I have had him as a teacher for all four years of high school, and he not only has been an exceptional artistic skills and technique teacher, but also someone who is deeply invested in the success and creative process of his students.”

Grace goes on to talk about her favorite memory from high school: “I have a lot of great memories from school, but some of my favorites include embarking on the Disney trip with my highlight teammates or when I found out my artwork had received a gold key at the Scholastics art show.”

She gives the best advice to underclassmen: “Challenge yourself. You never know what you are capable of if you never try!”

Her final message as she graduates is, “Don't sweat the small stuff, YOLO.”

Lastly, her senior quote is from Martha Graham: “Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired."

By: Charlotte Varkala