Vanessa Ohl: future lawyer

Vanessa Ohl is currently a senior here at AHS. She will soon be attending Miami University later this fall. Vanessa says, “Ever since I was young I have dreamt of becoming a lawyer so I am beginning on my college journey to start chasing this dream.”

When asked how she felt about graduating her response was, “ It does not feel real. I am sad to leave my friends and family next year. I am happy to not have to wake up so early every day though.”

Vanessa has made many memorable nights during her time here but the best ones were spent with her friends as she explains, “My favorite memory from high school is Friday night football games. I would get ready for the games with my friends, we would all go together, and then we would get food or just hang out after the games. These nights were so fun because the games brought everyone together and it was an entire night of fun with friends.”

There are many teachers here at AHS who have impacted her AHS career however one stood out, “Mrs. Dirda because she was understanding and treated me like a real person not just a student. She cared about my well being, not just my grades.”

Vanessa wants to share with the underclassman her advice: “Realize that whatever problem seems like the end of the world right now will not matter to you in a couple of years so let things go and try to make the most out of your time here. Everything does get better.”

In 10 years Vanessa has hopes for a very bright future, “I see myself being a lawyer and hopefully starting a family.” Whoever gets Vanessa as her lawyer will for sure win that case!

Vanessa wants to end by sharing, “Don't worry about what others think because, in the end, they do NOT matter.”

Written by Lana Witmer