Caden Pittinger acheives "air dominance" with the United States Air Force   

By: Shane Siddall 

Senior Caden Pittinger is breaking the mold that academia has made and that many follow.  Instead of going to an institution of higher learning, he will be achieving air dominance with the United States Air Force. When asked why he decided to brave the dangers and protect the good ole US of A, he answered with pride and a modicum of defiance, “I’ve always wanted to serve a larger purpose than just myself, and the United States Air Force is a great way to do that”.  Well, to take up arms on behalf of millions that you will never know, one must have a drive beyond comparison, and one better than the rest.

Despite the bravery that comes with Caden’s choice, it is still natural to feel anxious or even scared and possibly even excited, in Caden’s case it is all of the above, “ Nervous and excited, a new chapter in life is always like that. It will be nice to make that next step in life”. Well all of those feelings are more than natural no matter how brave one might be.

 When it comes to memories that take place in high school, they often bounce up and down these identical halls from thousands of students both past and present, and stories that have been lost to time. Yet in some of these memories they lie elsewhere, beyond the halls that we have been raised in, into the world that we have been charged to take on, in Caden’s case it is as simple as a time with a friend, “Sophomore year, over the summer, hanging out with my friend that had moved away, getting to hang out with him again was great and something I won’t forget”.  The friends that we associate ourselves with in high school often tell stories of their own, stories that might not make headlines, or make it into books or public memory, but will be forever held within the hearts and minds of the few.

The teachers and staff of this school can either make or break your high school experience, hopefully more making than breaking. For Caden though, there is one teacher that stood out amongst the rest: “Mr. Pinzone. I will definitely remember his class for the rest of my life;he made every class extremely interesting and enjoyable. He allowed us to collaborate with each other and it greatly helped both my own and my friends' learning. By the second semester, I was always excited for English class and I have no doubt it was because of Mr. Pinzone”.  Well beyond a shadow of a doubt, Mr. Pinzone is one of the most memorable teachers in this school, possibly even in the world.

We’re no philosophers, we don't have a lot of life experience or wisdom for that matter, but when it comes to how this school works for students there are no better people to ask for advice than the senior class. Most might say to work hard or never give up, but Caden follows a different path, “Don’t overwork yourself when you don’t have to, don’t over schedule yourself with too many classes, and make sure you enjoy the classes you sign up for. Have fun with friends, make memories, but lock in and focus when you need to”. Well, I'm sure that despite what many seniors may say, that is how the majority of us feel. 

The question that can make anyone stop for a second and take a moment of pause and think about what the question is really asking is, “Where do you see yourself in ten years?” Despite the existential crisis that might induce in some people, for Caden he answered rather dryly, “Hopefully made a good career in the Air Force and started a family”. He seems to want to get started with the rest of his life as soon as possible.

The lasting message Caden has for the school is as basic as it is sweet, “ I’ll cherish the experience forever”. 

To finish this off on a positive note, Caden’s senior quote is, “ Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run”.