Environmental Club

Have you ever wanted to learn more about the environment? Are you interested in gaining knowledge about the world around you? Well, you need to join Aurora’s own Environmental Club. New to Aurora last year, Mrs.Watt has taken the job of leading the Environmental Club for the first time this year. Being the AP Environmental Science teacher at Aurora High School is not the only reason she wanted to become the leader.

Mrs. Watt is always looking for ways to get involved with various activities in AHS, but when the job for leading the Environmental Club became available she jumped right on it. Environmental Club tackles an array of different topics, however they try to be relevant to the town of Aurora. Mrs. Watt informed me that a student last week discovered strange recycling regulations within the town of Aurora.

Mrs. Watt hopes that more kids take recognition in the club, interested in the environment or not, it is a great way to get involved in current events. Watt says, “Kids should join the Environmental Club because it is a really great time with great people. They are quick and easy meetings that everyone can do and there's something here for everyone.” Meetings for the Environmental Club are held every other week in Mrs.Watt’s room (110) where students will collaborate for 20-30 minutes after school. Environmental Club is a small commitment that can go a long way. Learning about the world around us can't be a bad thing, right? 

When I asked Junior, Brooke Manav, about her experience being in the club she only told me good things. Brooke said, “I really didn’t think that much about how many factors go into making a healthy environment. At the first meeting I learned that Ohio has specific recycling laws that I did not know about. I also wanted to join to just be more conscientious about the world around me. I can’t wait until the next meeting.” Brooke is one of many students who have developed a greater appreciation for the environment.

Thanks to the environmental club, kids now have a finer idea of the way the environment works. With meetings held all year long in Mrs. Watt’s room, it is never too late for kids to join and get to know a little more about their earth. 

By: Harrison Mullin